I have been under snow with work. Ask any new Microsoft employee and they will tell you that the first few weeks is info overload and I totally agree. Usually you have orientation for the first few days and well to say the least I was thrown straight into a project. Truth to be told … Continue reading "So where have I been"
Day: December 6, 2005
.local namespace in mixed environments
Some posts on ActiveDir.org mailing list reminds me about a topic I discussed some time ago with few peoples regarding using .local DNS suffix in AD domain environment. In fact there is nothing wrong with this particular suffix, it can be used and it is widely used in examples, and as far as I know … Continue reading ".local namespace in mixed environments"
Windows 2003 R2 RTM'ed
As we can read on Steven's Bink web site, and also other sources 🙂 Windows 2003 R2 went into RTM stage now. Go R2 Team :), we are (are we?) ready to use it.