Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server reaches version

After helping clients with implementing Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), the on-premises Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Server, MFA AD FS Adapters and sharing implementation and troubleshooting information on version 6.3.1, now is the time to take a look at version 7.0 of Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Server, as released on March 26 by Microsoft.   What’s … Continue reading "Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server reaches version"

Raymond and I are teaching High School students on Enterprise Mobility and Azure

It’s becoming a habit for Raymond and me to travel to Doetinchem in April to teach students of the Graafschap College on all the new stuff in the world of Microsoft and inspire them to rebuild and enhance our solutions for their studies. Last year, and the year before, Ronald Wassink and Arnold Maatman reached … Continue reading "Raymond and I are teaching High School students on Enterprise Mobility and Azure"