The Exchange Team blog reminded us today that in about a year the extended support for Exchange Server 2007 will end. This means no more updates of any kind, not even security updates. Feature updates already stopped 4 years earlier when Mainstream support ended. The product will continue to run, but how longer it’s being … Continue reading "The end is nigh for Exchange 2007: support nearing end and some other reasons to upgrade"
Day: April 11, 2016
I will be speaking at Microsoft NetWork 6 in Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Last year, when I was at the WinDays conference in Umag, Croatia, I met with people from the region and was subsequently invited as a speaker for the NetWork conference in Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Unfortunately, last year I couldn’t make it due to other travel plans… This year, though, I am able to make … Continue reading "I will be speaking at Microsoft NetWork 6 in Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina"