In the first part of this series, I’ve explained how Azure AD Connect version 1.1.553.0 and beyond allows you to switch from objectGUID to mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid as the source anchor attribute , the benefits of doing so and what you may and may not expect when you make the switch. Now that I’ve shown you the … Continue reading "Azure AD Connect: objectGUID vs. mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid, Part 3"
Month: August 2017
Ten Things you need to know about Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server
Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server is Microsofts product to add the magic of multi-factor authentication to your organizations on-premises enterprise infrastructure. I’ve been designing, implementing, updating and managing Azure Multi-Factor Authentication for several organizations. It has become one of my favorite tools in my toolbox, but there are a couple of things that I think you … Continue reading "Ten Things you need to know about Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server"
I’m presenting at the Dutch Windows Management User Group 2017-4 Meetup
The Dutch Windows Management User Group (WMUG) is one of the more active IT Pro user groups in the Netherlands. I was honored when they invited me to speak at their next meetup on September 13, 2017. Of course, I’d present at this meetup; their fourth meetup this year! About the Dutch Windows Management … Continue reading "I’m presenting at the Dutch Windows Management User Group 2017-4 Meetup"
Azure AD Connect: objectGUID vs. mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid, Part 2
In the first part of this series, I’ve explained how Azure AD Connect version 1.1.553.0 and beyond allows you to switch from objectGUID to mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid as the source anchor attribute, the benefits of doing so and what you may and may not expect when you make the switch. In this second part, I’ll share the … Continue reading "Azure AD Connect: objectGUID vs. mS-DS-ConsistencyGuid, Part 2"
Identity-related sessions at Microsoft Ignite 2017 in Orlando
Microsoft Ignite 2017 North America in Orlando is only a few weeks away and many of us have begun filling their session builder with interesting sessions, corresponding to their interests and knowledge. I decided to compile a list of the Active Directory, Azure Active Directory, Graph, Group Policy and Enterprise Mobility + Security (EM+S) related … Continue reading "Identity-related sessions at Microsoft Ignite 2017 in Orlando"
The Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows Free is amazing. Let me tell you why.
Veeam released its free Agent for Microsoft Windows (version I’ve been using the Beta of the agent for a couple of months and the more I used it and the more I read on why Veeam introduced this tool, and how it fits into Veeam’s current technology and strategy, the more I want to … Continue reading "The Veeam Agent for Microsoft Windows Free is amazing. Let me tell you why."