Pictures of my Educational Session at the Hague University

In my job at OGD, I get to do fun stuff. One of the interesting things that came across recently was the invitation to provide an educational session at one of the Dutch Universities of Applied Sciences, the Haagse Hogeschool, this Monday. When we were negotiating the session, the preference was around Windows 8. This … Continue reading "Pictures of my Educational Session at the Hague University"

Common Challenges when Managing Active Directory Domain Services, Part 5: (Accidental) Misconfiguration

A lot of organizations run Active Directory Domain Services as their Identity and Access Management (IAM) solutions. Their Domain Controllers unlock access to the simplified view on the organization’s processes, structure and systems, so people can perform the jobs they were hired to do. Just when you thought your Active Directory environment couldn’t get any … Continue reading "Common Challenges when Managing Active Directory Domain Services, Part 5: (Accidental) Misconfiguration"

Nice offer on a great Server Core book when you’re in the Netherlands! (and a little promotion of this blog)

For a limited time, Computer Collectief is offering books on Windows Server 2008 for a mere €10 each. While all these books would be great resources and a professional way to spend your holidays on the beach, I feel one particular book, should really make it to your reading list, when you’re working with Server … Continue reading "Nice offer on a great Server Core book when you’re in the Netherlands! (and a little promotion of this blog)"

10 Things you need to be aware of before deploying Dynamic Access Control

Microsoft introduced Dynamic Access Control (DAC) as its claims-based authorization solution. It’s revolutionary, because it enables admins to more granularly control access to file resources, based on attributes of objects in Active Directory, like department, manager and country, instead of through an elaborate and obscure group membership structure and static Access Control Lists (ACLs) on … Continue reading "10 Things you need to be aware of before deploying Dynamic Access Control"