New features in Active Directory Domain Services in Windows Server 2012, Part 1: Overview

Windows Server 2012 can be seen as a major release for Windows Server. Not just in terms of virtualization (Hyper-V 3.0), storage (SMB 3.0 and Storage Spaces) or manageability, but also in terms of Active Directory. There’s a load of new features, improving the lives of many Active Directory admins!

Five must-have Group Policy settings to create an uniform look for your Windows 8 clients

For ages, organizations deploying Windows installations wanted a uniform look for their machines, to work on their professional image towards employees, partners and customers. Now, in Windows 8, a couple of new Group Policy settings have been introduced to centrally manage the new user interface features. In this blogpost I’ll discuss the five new Group … Continue reading "Five must-have Group Policy settings to create an uniform look for your Windows 8 clients"

Five must-have Group Policy settings when your colleagues use 3G / 4G connections with Windows 8 devices

With wireless connectivity getting available in an increasing number of countries and locations, the business value of having access to wireless networks on the go (whether they are 3G or 4G networks) is getting more clear. However, where some of the providers still offer flat fee subscriptions, most of them these days work with a … Continue reading "Five must-have Group Policy settings when your colleagues use 3G / 4G connections with Windows 8 devices"

Five must-have Group Policy settings to make people productive with Windows 8 on day one

Being one of the first companies to roll out Windows 8 to our employees and aiming to be done with the deployment before October 26nd 2012 (the date Windows 8 becomes available to everyone on new computers), we’re looking at Group Policy settings to make Windows 8 as usable and recognizable as possible to our … Continue reading "Five must-have Group Policy settings to make people productive with Windows 8 on day one"

Featured in the Dutch ITbende podcast today (again)

Microsoft has made Windows 8 available to everyone, wanting to deploy and/or test drive it. Since, without this news, it’s a slow news week, Martin Broerse has, once again, invited me to join his ITbende podcast this morning. I joined for the first 30 minutes of the 168th ITbende podcast and chatted with Martin Broerse … Continue reading "Featured in the Dutch ITbende podcast today (again)"

Four ways to get a head start on Windows 8

With Microsoft readying its marketing, distribution and OEM channel to put Windows 8 in the market, as a dedicated IT Professional you might want a head start on your organization, your customers and/or your family on this Operating System. Windows 8 will be available to businesses on September 1, 2012. For consumers, Windows 8 will … Continue reading "Four ways to get a head start on Windows 8"

Determining your Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 version

With the release of Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, many people are eager to download and install the latest and greatest Operating Systems from Redmond. For people who have deployed one of the pre-release versions of Windows 8, Windows Server 8 and Windows Server 2012, the big question now is which version they are … Continue reading "Determining your Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 version"