That was probably longest quiet period on this blog. Changes happens an that was also result of these changes. That was a past. Now time to move on. I've decided to consolidate my blogging activities in single place – from now on this place is HTTP://ONYSZKO.COM. Update your links in Feedly, RSS readers, personal notes … … Continue reading "HTTP/301 ->"
Author: Tomasz Onyszko
FIM VHD is growing …and growing
I spend a lot of time working with VMs as probably most of us in tech world nowdays. One thing I noticed about VMs is that virtual disks have tendency to grow … and grow … and grow.
Bad characters encoding in RCDCs
It was rather long time since last blog post. Changes in professional life, TEC US (it was a blast – You can watch one of my sessions on YouTube – sorry for sound quality), projects … now trying to get back on track with my community work. So hopefully more entries here will be posted … Continue reading "Bad characters encoding in RCDCs"
FIM 2010 management pack
I'm breaking the silence on the blog with just a quick post on a tool for FIM. It looks like the FIM 2010 Management Pack for SCOM 2007 has hit the web and is available for download. If you are using FIM and SCOM now you have proper tool to monitor its state. If you are wondering … Continue reading "FIM 2010 management pack"
History likes to repeat itself
It was more than 6 years ago when I’ve decided to join the other side as Microsoft employee with Microsoft Consulting in Poland. And this was good move. As every such move it brought some changes in private and professional live. One of those changes was that my MVP award, Directory Services at that time … Continue reading "History likes to repeat itself"
Troubleshooting delta import operation for Sun One MA
Back from TechED, time for another troubleshooting case for ILM. I have a customer who is using ILM (FIM synch service actually) to manage objects in Sun One directory (or Enterprise Directory how Oracle is calling this now). After some changes in the infrastructure, which resulted in one of Sun LDAP servers being taken out … Continue reading "Troubleshooting delta import operation for Sun One MA"
Speaking of (at)TechED
I just got back home from TechED from Berlin. This was kind of special TechED for me, for at least three reasons: I was first time in last 5 years on TechED, kind of side effect of my departure from Microsoft I was speaking for the first there at TechED !!! Last but by any … Continue reading "Speaking of (at)TechED"
Adding claim mapping to existing provider in SPS 2010, part deux
While ago I wrote short entry about adding new claim mapping to existing definition of identity token provider. After this post I got following comment from one of readers (good that I still have some of them here 🙂
Groups and tokens
I'm done with an intensive month of sessions, delivered for different user groups and other communities online. When you managed to attend my session about Kerberos I hope you liked it ;). Now it's time for some blogging activities. A friend asked on his blog (PL only, sorry) a question how to quickly determine the groups a computer account … Continue reading "Groups and tokens"
WMI permissions required for a FIM2010 self-password reset scenario
A recent post from Brad Turner reminded me of something I wanted to blog about since I setup my Forefront Identity Manager (FIM) lab for self-password reset for users. So here it is – WMI permissions … … If you want to enable the self-password reset scenario for users (which is one of scenarios you definitely … Continue reading "WMI permissions required for a FIM2010 self-password reset scenario"