Vista will open more access for security providers …

I just found at joe's  site link to Washington Post's article which is informing about decission which was made at Microsoft to open access to system "guts" for security software providers. If it is true, and I don't have any reasons not to belive WP it will mean that security software providers like Symantec and … Continue reading "Vista will open more access for security providers …"

Living in the multi language world is though (at least for some of us)

OK, I must admit – I live in a strange country where we are using this all fancy characters called diacritical characters. If You would spot some Polish text on the Internet, You will notice some fancy characters like ą,ś,ł etc. In early computer age time (which was a little later then outside of Eastern … Continue reading "Living in the multi language world is though (at least for some of us)"

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As others members of blog assotiation I was forced by some "nice" people who jammed my posts with thir "valuable" comments to enable moderation for comments. So .. if You post a comment on this blog, just wait a few "seconds" – I will handle it and it should show-up soon.