Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server with lots of improvements

After January’s Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server version release, over the weekend, Microsoft released version of its on-premises Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server with a lot of performance improvements and other fixes. While the changes mentioned in the change log aren’t world shocking, this release should alleviate much of the problems you might have with … Continue reading "Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server with lots of improvements"

Can I place my Exchange hybrid management server in Azure and use Azure Domain Services?

As some might know (although I and others have to repeat this regularly…), if you enable directory synchronization from your on-premises Active Directory (AD) and you migrate all you Exchange mailboxes to Exchange Online you still require an Exchange server to manage mail(box) objects. It is the only supported solution, even though some use third … Continue reading "Can I place my Exchange hybrid management server in Azure and use Azure Domain Services?"

Branding your Hybrid Identity Solution, Part 6: The Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server User Portal

To avoid service desk calls, you can implement Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server’s User Portal. Colleagues enrolled in Azure Multi-Factor Authentication can access this portal to change their phone number(s), change their verification method and/or enroll and/or remove devices with the Azure Authenticator app. Even if they screw up their verification options badly, they can still … Continue reading "Branding your Hybrid Identity Solution, Part 6: The Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server User Portal"

Branding your Hybrid Identity Solution, Part 2: Recommendations

Before we go applying changes to our Hybrid Identity implementation, I feel it’s a good time to discuss some of my recommendations for branding. These below five recommendations flow from my own personal experience branding the components of Hybrid Identity implementations.   Built-in branding vs. Full customization For Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS), you … Continue reading "Branding your Hybrid Identity Solution, Part 2: Recommendations"

Forcing the use of a specific Azure Multi-Factor Authentication method for a Relying Party Trust in AD FS

Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) in combination with Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Server work together when you install and configure the Azure MFA Adapter for AD FS. Now, per Relying Party Trust (RPT) in Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS), you might want to force the use of a specific Azure Multi-Factor Authentication method. … Continue reading "Forcing the use of a specific Azure Multi-Factor Authentication method for a Relying Party Trust in AD FS"

Prompting colleagues for their Multi-Factor Authentication method in AD FS

Since version 7 of the on-premises Azure MFA Server, a new setting is available that might make sense in your Hybrid Identity environment when using Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS), called Prompt for user’s method. According to the Azure MFA Server Release Notes, this feature is available since version In the release … Continue reading "Prompting colleagues for their Multi-Factor Authentication method in AD FS"

Azure Multi-Factor Authentication features per license and implementation

Recently, I’ve been involved in some larger on-premises Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Server projects as a senior engineer with a couple of demanding customers. It’s been a lot of fun and quite the roller coaster ride. One of the more confusing things about Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server to customers is its licensing and the features … Continue reading "Azure Multi-Factor Authentication features per license and implementation"

Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Methods per Supported Protocol

Recently, I’ve been involved in some larger on-premises Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Server projects as a senior engineer with a couple of demanding customers. It’s been a lot of fun and quite the roller coaster ride. One of the things I noticed while consulting on Microsoft’s Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server, is that its marketing department … Continue reading "Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Methods per Supported Protocol"

I'll be presenting at Microsoft Sinergija 16

I received a message from Microsoft Serbia on an opportunity to speak at its yearly Sinergija event at the Crowne Plaza hotel and conference center in Belgrade on October 17th and October 18th 2016; An event, a Microsoft subsidiary and a country with an extensive legacy and rich heritage. Readers of my blog in this … Continue reading "I'll be presenting at Microsoft Sinergija 16"

I will be presenting at WinDays 16 in Porec

Last year, I presented two sessions at WinDays 15 Technology in Umag, Croatia. This year, the WinDays event organizers asked me to present again, at WinDays Technology 16. About WinDays WinDays, the largest regional business and technology conference, will celebrate its 16th anniversary this year. The conference brings together more than 1,500 attendees from Croatia … Continue reading "I will be presenting at WinDays 16 in Porec"