Exchange Server 2007 (almost) EOL!

Just a quick reminder that Exchange Server 2007 will have no support after April 11th 2017. Although every install will continue without any issue after this date, it is a risk continuing the use of this product. Security fixes won't come available, but also little things like timezone/daylight savings changes aren't updated which could have … Continue reading "Exchange Server 2007 (almost) EOL!"

The end is nigh for Exchange 2007: support nearing end and some other reasons to upgrade

The Exchange Team blog reminded us today that in about a year the extended support for Exchange Server 2007 will end. This means no more updates of any kind, not even security updates. Feature updates already stopped 4 years earlier when Mainstream support ended. The product will continue to run, but how longer it’s being … Continue reading "The end is nigh for Exchange 2007: support nearing end and some other reasons to upgrade"

Some things to do after leaving Windows Server 2003 (from an Exchange perspective)

Today the Exchange Team blog posted an article about upgrading the Domain Functional (DFL) level of your Active Directory environment away from Windows Server 2003 and the fact that raising the level might have some impact on your Exchange servers (and other applications). It is possible that they might not be able to authenticate. If you … Continue reading "Some things to do after leaving Windows Server 2003 (from an Exchange perspective)"

Updated – Exchange 2013 DAG, Windows Server 2012 R2 and VMware vSphere? Check support!

UPDATED 28/3/2024: See update below article. A little heads up. While working on an extensive design including Exchange Server 2013 with Service Pack 1 installed on Windows Server 2012 R2, my eye caught a comment in the Facebook group Exchange Server 2013 (Facebook login required). VMwares vSphere 5.1 and higher are shown to be validated … Continue reading "Updated – Exchange 2013 DAG, Windows Server 2012 R2 and VMware vSphere? Check support!"