IPv6 is back!

Reading Time: 2 minutes

For a significant amount of time, the DirTeam.com / ActiveDir.org Weblogs have operated without IPv6. We changed this important omission over the past weekend.

2010 – 2016

On November 24, 2010, we announced the availability of IPv6 for the DirTeam.com / ActiveDir.org Weblogs. At the time, this required serious work from the IaaS engineers at a former employer, but was made available as IPv6 was deemed to important not to have as a feature for the platform. We were the first customer to ask for the functionality, back then.

However, as we moved to Azure IaaS on October 13, 2016, we again found ourselves hosted on an IaaS platform that didn't support IPv6.

2016 – 2019

As the Microsoft Infrastructure-as-a-Service solution grew more mature over time, we found we can easily switch on IPv6 using Azure Load Balancers. However, this was never part of our initial design. We didn't want to make such architectural changes on our shoestring budget. So, we started figuring out how to make it work. Deployed it a couple of times, managed it for other environments, etc.

… and we wanted to make other changes as well.


As a shadow deployment, we've been running a new version of the DirTeam.com / ActiveDir.org Webslogs as a shadow infrastructure for quite some time. This weekend, we made the switch to only serve the content of the ActiveDir.Org / DirTeam.com Weblogs from the new infrastructure.

While the list of changes is long for the new infrastructure, there's one thing that makes me happy: IPv6 is back!

The reason it makes me happy is because on November 25, 2019, RIPE NCC allocated the final /22 IPv4 block from the last remaining addresses in the available pool, indicating we have now run out of IPv4 addresses. We took the Call to Action at the end of that publication very serious.


You can now reach us at 2603:1020:200:0:0:0:682f:a464, if your internet connection allows IPv6. If your internet connection does not allow IPv6, we still remain serving our content over IPv4 to you.

Author: Sander Berkouwer

Sander Berkouwer is the author of the Active Directory Administration Cookbook, speaker and blogger at DirTeam.com and ServerCore.net. He is awarded Microsoft MVP, Veeam Vanguard and VMware vExpert. Since 2009, Microsoft has awarded Sander with the Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award. Since 2016, Veeam has awarded Sander with the Veeam Vanguard award.

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