A new blog backend

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The past few months Sander Berkouwer (MVP and admin for dirteam.com) worked hard to get our new blogsite up and running. We had an ancient Telligent (now Zimbra) Community Server, which was limited and didn't provide new and interesting features.

So, we decided to move towards WordPress 4. Luckily we could migrate most of our blog posts and comments from Community Server to WordPress. Also, the main link to get to this blog has changed from http://blogs.dirteam.com/blogs/davestork to https://dirteam.com/dave, which is a lot more user friendly. Using rewrite rules all old links should point to the correct post on the new platform. We only had to check every blog on formatting issues, changing image URLs among other things. So it's very possible that there are some dead links here and there.

Also, the RSS feed link has changed. If you use this in Feedly, your RSS reader or any other solution, you have to change this to https://dirteam.com/dave/feed/ If you do not do this, your RSS feed wil not be updated when I post new content.

I've also updated the theme, which is a little bit more modern and supports higher resolutions. The old theme also had some formatting issues with IE in some cases. I hope that is now fixed. In any case, the site has also a mobile friendly version.

This migration took us some time, which explains my lower post count the last few months. So, and now some new content!

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