Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server version is here

Reading Time: 3 minutes

After March's major release of Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server, it's good to see an update for the product released in a timely fashion to address the issues, that inevitable rise with a major release, as oposed to minor releases. As the Azure MFA team in Redmond is headed by a new manager, since then, it'll also be interesting to see how this change affects other changes.


What's new

Version of the Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server adds the following additional functionality:

Prerequisites checks

The installers in the release of Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server were missing checks for the appropriate prerequisites, such as checking for Visual C++ Redistributable Package Update 1. Organizations that upgraded their Azure MFA Servers from version 6.3.1 to 7.0.0 didn't experience these checks missing, but for new installations of Azure MFA Server, this resulted in a less than satisfactory installation experience. The missing prerequisites checks were added to all installers in version

Deprecated support for SAML

The Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) User Portal will stop supporting the SAML federation protocol to act as an Identity Provider (IdP).

Deprecated support for installations on 32-bit OSs

You can install Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server components on all supported Windows Server versions. While this provides great flexibility to organizations, it presents the possibility for them to install Azure MFA Server on the latest version of Windows Server that was available as a 32-bit Operating System (OS): Windows Server 2008. This flexibility is being deprecated. The good news is this provides the additional security from the 64-bit Operating System layer (like signed drivers) to Azure MFA Server, inherently a security solution, too.

Fixed bug that resulted in an error when importing OATH tokens

When you attempted to import OATH-based tokens in Azure MFA Server, you received an error. The bug causing this error has been fixed in this version.

 Fixed a bug that prevented MFA Server from writing to syslogs

Apparently, there was a bug in Azure MFA Server that prevented the server to write to syslog servers. The bug causing this behavior has been fixed in this version.

Other minor bug fixes

Of course, a variety of other minor bugs has also been squashed.



Version of the on-premises Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Server can be downloaded via the old-fashioned Azure Management Portal or straight from the MFA Management Portal:

  1. Log on to the Azure Portal.
  2. In the column on the left that lists all the available items and services, scroll down until you reach ACTIVE DIRECTORY.
  3. In the main pane, select the default directory.
  4. Just above the list of directories, click the text MULTI-FACTOR AUTH PROVIDERS.
  5. Click the Multi-Factor Authentication Provider that you’ve configured for your organization and is marked as Active in the STATUS column.
  6. Click MANAGE in the bottom pane on the general settings for the Multi-Factor Authentication Provider.
  7. This will redirect you to your tenant view of the PhoneFactor Portal.
  8. In the main pane of the portal click on the Downloads header.
  9. Click the Download link below the list of supported platforms.

Save MultiFactorAuthenticationServerSetup.exe to a network location where you can use it from each of the Windows Servers that have Azure Multi-Factor Authentication installed.



Version of Azure MFA Server provides new functionality, but also deprecates some other functionality. As an organization contemplating, evaluating or using Azure MFA Server, the impact of the depcrated features might cause you to stick with a previous version or even an alternative technology.

Related blogposts

Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server reaches version
Knowledgebase: You receive a “Web Service Requests must be protected by authentication” error when activating a Multi-Factor Auth app
KnowledgeBase: Users in Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server 6.3.x and up can not select One-Way OTP or PIN options in the User Portal
KnowledgeBase: Azure MFA Portal shows error “Error communicating with the local Multi-Factor Authentication service. Please contact your administrator.”
Choosing the right Azure MFA authentication methods

Further reading

Microsoft Virtual Academy – How to Upgrade to Latest Azure MFA Server Version
How to upgrade / update current MFA version to the latest?
Azure Multi-Factor Authentication – Part 1: Introduction and licensing
Azure Multi-Factor Authentication – Part 2: Components and traffic flows
Azure Multi-Factor Authentication – Part 3: Configuring the service and server
Azure Multi-Factor Authentication – Part 4: Portals
Azure Multi-Factor Authentication – Part 5: Settings
Azure Multi-Factor Authentication – Part 6: Onboarding
Azure Multi-Factor Authentication – Part 7: Securing AD FS
Azure Multi-Factor Authentication – Part 8: Delegating Administration
New version of Azure MFA Server available (7.0.0)

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