Delivering the honest truth on Azure, this Wednesday with colleague Marc Westerink

Reading Time: 2 minutes

SCCT, That's us!It’s no secret that we talk to a lot of organizations about Microsoft Azure. Most of the time, our focus is on Azure Active Directory, Hybrid Identity. We enjoy interacting with organizations on Microsofts holistic approach to Enterprise Mobility + Security (EM+S) and the Secure Productive Enterprise (SPE), but also on Digital Transformation and Modern Datacenter topics.

I’m confident we know our stuff.

There’s a difference though, between knowing and doing. We don’t just write proposals, we also deploy, upgrade, migrate and (unfortunately) phase out. With this quarters 100% success rate on our proposals, we owned the game.

We live, breath and even dream this stuff.

Yet, many organizations that we talk to have misconceptions, crazy ideas and even full-fledged conspiracy theories on Microsoft and its cloud. It’s amazing. Often, it allows us to surprise people in charge at these organizations with (almost) free functionality, and/or with functionality that allows them to get loads more done with their budgets, time, and talents.

We get a boost from these situations.

And that’s why we’ve decided to share our stories. Glimlach


Wednesday May 10, 2017

This Wednesday, for the Dutch Networking User Group (Ngi-NGN), my colleague Marc Westerink and I, present an evening filled with the honest truth on Microsoft Azure.


We’ll try to stick with the following agenda

18:00 – 18:00 Reception (with sandwiches)
18:30 – 18:40 Introduction
18:40 – 19:25 The functionality you always wanted, but never had… (Sander)
19:25 – 19:40 Break
19:40 – 20:25 Opportunities to further optimize your cloud spending (Marc)
20:25 – 20:40 Open discussion
20:45 – 21:30 Drinks


Yacht Netherlands has offered us to use their presentation space in Rotterdam again. Conveniently located next to Rotterdam city center, the location can be easily reached by car and public transportation. Parking is free.


Join us!

You can join us for free Dutch, when you already have an active Ngi-NGN membership.

I’m looking forward to this! Emoticon met brede lach

One Response to Delivering the honest truth on Azure, this Wednesday with colleague Marc Westerink


    Looking forward to do this together with you, Sander! 🙂

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