Important issues in Windows Server 2019 build 10.0.17763.1 (Release Notes)

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Windows Server

Today, Microsoft rereleased Windows Server 2019 build 10.0.17763.1 to Volume License customers and MSDN subscribers. Downloads from its Evaluation Center and Azure IaaS-based virtual machines running Windows Server 2019 are on the horizon.

The following four downloads of Windows Server 2019 are now available:

  1. Windows Server 2019 Essentials
  2. Windows Server 2019
  3. Windows Server 2019 Language Pack
  4. Windows Server 2019 Features on Demand

On this page you can view the critical issues, that have currently been identified, that might require avoidance or workaround to get Windows Server 2019 installed and running.

Below is the list with the current important issues for Windows Server 2019 version 10.0.17763.1, also known as the re-released General Availability (GA) version:


Localization issues

When running setup from German server media, on the operating system selection window titled, “Select the operating system you want to install,” the description for Desktop Experience installation options will have missing and incorrect characters at the very end of the sentence.

Customers using the Desktop Experience on Windows Server 2019 are currently unable to install language packs using the Settings app’s Language page. In order to add a new Windows display language, follow the procedure in KB4466511.

Language Packs for Windows Server 2019 and Windows Server, version 1809 are not currently available on Windows Update. Language Pack (LP) installation need to be performed from the Language Pack ISO and should only be installed against an image mounted offline using DISM command. If adding Language Packs to a running Windows Server with Desktop Experience, please refer to KB4466511.


Features on Demand

Features on Demand (FoD) for Windows Server 2019 and Windows Server, version 1809 are not currently available on Windows Update. Feature on Demand (FoD) installation should be performed from either a FoD ISO or the Windows Server installation ISO, and should only be installed against an image mounted offline using DISM command.


Drive Mapping

Mapped drives may fail to reconnect after starting and logging on. Symptoms include:

  • In File Explorer, a red "X" appears on the mapped network drives.
  • Mapped network drives show as "Unavailable" when you run the net use command from a command prompt.
  • In the notification area, a notification displays, "Could not reconnect all network drives."

See KB4471218 for workaround scripts to automatically reconnect a mapped network drive when you log on to the device.


Edge on systems with AMD Radeon HD2000 or HD4000 series video cards

Microsoft Edge tabs may stop working when a device is configured with AMD Radeon HD2000 or HD4000 series video cards. Customers may get the following error code:  "INVALID_POINTER_READ_c0000005_atidxx64.dll".

Some users may also experience performance issues with the lock screen or the ShellExperienceHost. (The lock screen hosts widgets, and the ShellExperienceHost is responsible for assorted shell functionality).

AMD no longer supports Radeon HD2000 and HD4000 series graphic processor units (GPUs).


App Compatibility

iCloud for Windows

Apple has identified an incompatibility with iCloud for Windows (version that may cause users to have issues updating or synching Shared Albums. To ensure a seamless experience, Microsoft is blocking devices with iCloud for Windows (version software installed from being offered Window 10, version 1809, Windows Server 2019 and Windows Server, version 1809, until this issue has been resolved.

F5 VPN Client

F5 VPN clients may lose network connectivity when the VPN service is in a split tunnel configuration.

To mitigate this issue, you can manually configure your systems to force all traffic through the VPN tunnel. For details on how to do this, see the F5 customer support guidance page.

Trend Micro OfficeScan and Worry-Free

Microsoft and Trend Micro have identified a compatibility issue with Trend Micro’s OfficeScan and Worry-Free Business Security software.

To ensure a seamless update experience, Microsoft blocks installations running the affected business endpoint security products from being offered Windows 10, version 1809, Windows Server 2019 or Windows Server, version 1809, until a specific Trend Micro Critical Patch (CP) is applied.


Removed Features

The following features were present in previous versions of Windows Server, but are no longer available in Windows Server 2019:

  • Business Scanning, also known as Distributed Scan Management (DSM)
  • Internet Storage Name Service (iSNS)


Deprecated Features

Microsoft is no longer actively developing the features below and may remove them from a future update:

  • Key Storage Drive in Hyper-V
  • Trusted Platform Module (TPM) management console
  • Host Guardian Service Active Directory attestation mode
  • OneSync service
  • Remote Differential Compression API support
  • WFP lightweight filter switch extension

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