The new Active Directory Administration Cookbook is now available.
[Packt] [Amazon] [Tomlinsons] [Fnac] [Lehmanns] [ManagementBoek]
For the last seven months, I worked with Packt Publishing to write the fourteen chapters in this 620-page book, containing all the essential howtos and their gotchas for managing both on-premises Active Directory and Azure AD.
It has been an honor to work with them.
About Packt Publishing
Founded in 2004, Packt Publishing is a print on demand publishing company based in Birmingham, UK and Mumbai, India. Many of its book offerings concern information technology or software. It offers print books as well as e-books in several formats.
It takes a village…
Writing a book is something that requires a lot of time and patience. I could not have pulled this off without the help of my family, my colleagues and the people at Packt Publishing. Brian Svidergol, who you might know as the author of the previous Active Directory cookbook, was a tremendous help throughout the process and a great technical reviewer. My employer, SCCT, continues to provide the unique mix I need to combine work and community. Without the help from all these great people, this book would never have taken place.
Further steps
My long term goal of people being able to be effective with Active Directory, without breaking the bank inches closer with the release of this book. I feel beginning AD admins may benefit the most from it, so I’m in talks to get copies of the book in their hands.
Can we also get a piece of that great and delicious looking pie 🙂 ? Congrats with the book, topics and index looks awesome.
Please can I get copy of that please 🙂
Thanks in advance