Last week, on Tuesday June 20 2019, the Royal Dutch Association of Information and IT Professionals (KNVI) organized the "Active Directory, What’s Cooking?" Event at Hit Eten en Drinken in Cappele aan den Ijssel in the Netherlands.
As we were to gather at 18:30, I worked for a customer in Utrecht that Tuesday. I can start and leave early, there, so this left me with ample room in my schedule to fiddle around.
I anticipated traffic on my way over, but didn’t meet any. I arrived at 16:45. I took a seat inside and prepared some slides, while I waited for the other speakers and the organization to arrive. At 18:30, the food on the BBQ was ready, and we could all enjoy food before getting to the presentation part of the evening.
At 20:00, Erwin Derksen and I kicked off with some light entertainment. We discussed Multi-Factor Authentication and Azure Active Directory Domain Services. 45 minutes in, I talked a bit about the book, its timelines and struggles. Concluding, my colleague Barbara Forbes talked about how she helped me with her Azure DevOps magic, to create pre-canned Active Directory environments with one click in under 35 minutes.
I signed a couple of books and then we had some drinks. I came home at 22:45 with a huge smile on my face.
Thank you! 
Thank you KNVI for organizing this meetup.