HOWTO: Perform an Azure AD Connect Swing Migration

Reading Time: 15 minutes

Azure AD Connect

Azure AD Connect is a crucial component in today’s Hybrid Identity strategies. This tool takes care of the synchronization of objects and their attributes from an on-premises Active Directory environment to Azure AD. In some scenarios, it also takes care of authentication when accessing Azure AD-integrated applications.

As with any system in a networking infrastructure, sometimes something bad happens to Azure AD Connect installations. And sometimes… you want to start over with Azure AD Connect. This blogpost details how to perform a swing migration for a current Azure AD Connect installation to a new Azure AD Connect installation.

We’ll be using the new Export and Import configuration functionality in Azure AD Connect to this purpose. This functionality was introduced in Azure AD Connect version



You might ask yourself: “What is this guy talking about?”.

About Azure AD Connect

Azure AD Connect is a component that synchronizes between the on-premises Active Directory Domain Services environment (your Domain Controllers) and Azure AD, the cloud service. Through synchronization cycles, objects and their attributes are read from both identity stores and matched in its own database, dubbed the 'metaverse'. Through its synchronization rules, Azure AD Connect picks up on changes. It determines if an action is required, and if so, what action is required when an object appears in scope, disappears from scope, or is changed. Then, Azure AD Connect performs the changes.

About staging mode

For the purpose of this blogpost, we’ll use the Staging Mode feature in Azure AD Connect. This mode offers a second Azure AD Connect installation with a second metaverse. The Staging Mode server, however, is not instructed with actions; it doesn't perform changes to objects in AD or Azure AD (in terms of sync cycles, it only performs imports).



A swing migration of Azure AD Connect consists of these steps:

  1. Getting ready
  2. Upgrade Azure AD Connect
  3. Inventory the current Azure AD Connect installation
  4. Export the Azure AD Connect configuration
  5. Prepare for the Staging Mode Azure AD Connect installation
  6. Create the Staging Mode Azure AD Connect installation
  7. Compare the Export to the Applied Synchronization Policy
  8. Compare both metaverses
  9. Switch the current Azure AD Connect installation into Staging Mode, too
  10. Configure the Staging Mode server for active synchronization
  11. Check the Synchronization Service
  12. (Optionally) Optimize the Azure AD Connect database
  13. (Optionally) Decommission the first Azure AD Connect installation
  14. (Optionally) Remove the first Azure AD Connect installation’s SQL database
  15. (Optionally) Remove lingering service accounts


Before you begin

There are a couple of challenges associated with Staging Mode and when implementing a new Azure AD Connect installation. It’s best to be aware of these before you begin:

  • If the scope in terms of OU Filtering, App and Attribute Filtering or Group Filtering are not configured identical between the two installations, you will end up with different object and/or attribute scopes.
  • If the organization made choices in terms of Alternate Login ID, authentication method or source anchor attribute, and you don't configure these settings identically between the two installations, authentication to Microsoft online services might break for your end-users.
  • If you configure the service account to Active Directory manually, and you don't reuse this account and/or you setup a new account with different delegated privileges, synchronization may not be performed without errors. If the previous Azure AD Connect uses the built-in administrator account in Active Directory, you’re bound to encounter export errors with a properly delegated account on the first export.
  • If you configure the new Azure AD Connect with different settings in terms of Optional Features, functionality like Exchange Hybrid, Exchange Hybrid Public Folders, Group Writeback and Password Writeback might break.

Luckily, a lot of Azure AD Connect settings have been synchronized to Azure AD in the last years of Azure AD Connect releases. This includes the source anchor and the export deletion threshold.

Recommended practices

Please try to adhere to the following recommended practices:

  • With an Azure AD Connect Staging Mode installation in the networking environment, make sure to implement a life cycle management process for Azure AD Connect.
  • Describe an owner for the Azure AD Connect installations, their service accounts and the functionality they offer within the organization.
  • Delegate permissions in Active Directory based on groups and not on individual accounts.
  • Do not reuse the service accounts to communicate with Active Directory between Azure AD Connect installations.
  • Do not reuse the SQL database between Azure AD Connect installations.
  • Provide the minimum required privileges to the Azure AD Connect service accounts that communicatie with Active Directory.
  • Provide the minimum required network connectivity between Azure AD Connect installations, Domain Controllers, AD FS servers, Web Application Proxy servers, Pass-through Authentication agents and Azure Active Directory, respectively.
  • Change the passwords for service accounts at least yearly.


Step 1, Getting ready

To be able to perform the next steps, take care of the following:

Required systems

This How-to features a pre-existing Azure AD Connect installation. This is the first and most important system in scope. Then, of course, there are Domain Controllers and there is an Azure AD tenant. This version of Azure AD Connect needs to run at least version

There is one new system: a new Azure AD Connect installation. Make sure this system runs Windows Server 2012, or up. Intend to install Azure AD Connect version, or up, on it.

Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 are currently in extended support. For best results, implement a new server running Windows Server 2016, or up.

Required Privileges

You must have access to credentials for accounts with the following privileges:

  • An account in Azure Active Directory with the Global Administrator role.
  • An account in Active Directory with a membership in the Enterprise Admins group.
  • An account on the Windows Server hosting the existing Azure AD Connect installation that is a member of the ADSyncAdmins local group (can be a local account to the Windows Server, or an account from Active Directory).


By default, Azure AD Connect is installed with local SQL Server Express. However, you can choose to use a database on a pre-existing SQL Server. If so, create a new database on the SQL Server. If the SQL Server features Always-on Availability groups, make the database highly-available after configuring Azure AD Connect on the new Azure AD Connect installation.

Service accounts

Azure AD Connect features three service accounts:

  • A local account on the Windows Server installation running Azure AD Connect, used to run the he Microsoft Azure AD Sync service.

This account can be an automatically created virtual service account (VSA) or an Active Directory-based group Managed Service Account (gMSA).
If you use a Microsoft SQL database, you cannot use a VSA.

  • A synchronization account in the Azure Active Directory tenant.
  • One automatically created account or pre-configured account per Active Directory Domain Services environment.

For the second account, create the account in Active Directory before starting the configuration of Azure AD Connect on the second server.

Firewalls and proxies

Some networks are highly compartmentalized. In these networking environments, make sure both Azure AD Connect installations can communicate to the Domain Controllers and optionally a central SQL Server (cluster). Also make sure the required traffic to Azure AD is allowed for both servers through firewalls and via outbound proxies.

When using AD FS as the sign-in method, make sure Azure AD Connect can communicate to the AD FS servers and Web Application Proxy servers. When using Pass-through Authentication agents, allow these to communicate to Domain Controllers.

Step 2, Upgrade Azure AD Connect

First, we need to upgrade Azure AD Connect to version, or up. Overall, it is a recommended practice to upgrade Azure AD Connect to the latest stable version.

Perform these actions on the Windows Server running the existing Azure AD Connect installation:

  • Sign in interactively to the Windows Server installation.
  • Open a browser and download the latest version of Azure AD Connect.
  • Run the downloaded AzureADConnect.msi.
    The Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect wizard appears.
  • On the Upgrade Azure Active Directory Connect page, click Upgrade.
  • On the Connect to Azure AD page, enter the credentials of the Azure AD account with the Global administrator role. Click Next.
    Perform multi-factor authentication, when prompted.
  • On the Ready to configure page, click Upgrade.

Azure AD Connect - Upgrade - Configuration complete

  • On the Configuration complete page, click Exit.


Step 3, Inventory the current Azure AD Connect installation

Perform these steps on the Windows Server running the pre-existing Azure AD Connect installation:

  • Sign in interactively to the Windows Server installation.
  • Run the following line of Windows PowerShell in an elevated PowerShell window:

(Get-ADSyncGlobalSettingsParameter | Where-Object { $_.Name -eq 'Microsoft.Synchronize.ServerConfigurationVersion'}).Value

  • Verify that the Azure AD Connect version is indeed version, or up.
  • Next, run the following two lines of Windows PowerShell:

Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure AD Sync\Bin\ADSync\ADSync.psd1"


  • If the returned value for SqlServerName is (localDB), then the Azure AD Connect installation uses a locally installed SQL Server Express installation to store the Azure AD Connect database. If, instead, a server name is used, it’s a good idea to contact the database admin for the server and see whether you’d want the new Azure AD Connect installation to use the server to host the new Azure AD Connect database, too. When you do, you’ll want to note the value for SqlServerDBName too, as two databases on the same SQL Server listener isn’t smart.
  • Now, we’d want to know the specifics of the service account for the Active Directory connector(s). Use the following two lines of Windows PowerShell:

Import-Module "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect\AdSyncConfig\AdSyncConfig.psm1"


  • The output shows you the ADConnectAccountName per Active Directory environment in scope for Azure AD Connect. This gives you an idea about the current service account. When investigating this account, it’s good to know whether it’s an automatically created account (its name starting with MSOL_) or an account that was pre-created and perhaps has memberships in a group that provides the necessary permissions in Active Directory already. In the latter case, creating the Azure AD Connect service account in Active Directory is a relative breeze.
  • Lastly, run the following line of Windows PowerShell to get a view of the four groups that are created by Azure AD Connect in Windows Server to delegate Azure AD Connect administrative privileges:

Get-LocalGroup -Name *Sync*

  • This will give you an idea of the group names chosen, when the option was checked in Azure AD Connect to use custom group names. Looking at the memberships of these groups provides insights in the way Azure AD Connect is managed within the environment.
  • Close the Windows PowerShell window.


Step 4, Export the Azure AD Connect configuration

The rest of the settings, we can get through the new functionality in Azure AD Connect to export and then import the Azure AD Connect configuration.

Through the wizard

You can export the configuration through the Azure AD Connect wizard. Perform these steps:

  • Open Azure AD Connect from either the Desktop or the Start Menu. Alternatively, you can run C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect\AzureADConnect.exe
  • The Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect window appears.
  • On the Welcome to Azure AD Connect screen, click the Configure button.

Azure AD Connect - Additional tasks - View or export current configuration

  • On the Additional Tasks screen, select the View or export current configuration task. Click Next.
  • On the Review Your Solution page, click the Export Settings button.
    The Export Azure AD Connect Settings screen opens. It asks to save a json-formatted file into the default C:\ProgramData\AADConnect folder. Choose a folder and filename of your choosing and click the Save button when done.
  • On the Review Your Solution page, click Exit. This closes the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect window and resumes synchronization.


Through Windows PowerShell

The option to export the configuration is also available in Windows PowerShell.

Run the following two lines of Windows PowerShell in an elevated PowerShell window to achieve this goal:

cd "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect\Tools"


The PowerShell script saves the json-formatted file, along with all the other relevant data of the Azure AD Connect installation into the C:\ProgramData\AADConnect folder.


Step 5, Prepare for the Staging Mode Azure AD Connect installation

Now, we have all the information we need to prepare for the Staging Mode Azure AD Connect installation.

Pre-create the group Managed Service Account and database

If the current Azure AD Connect installation uses a Microsoft SQL Server (cluster) to store the Azure AD Connect database, then you’ll want to pre-create the gMSA, pre-create the SQL Server database and set the right permissions on the database before installing the new Azure AD Connect installation.

Do not reuse service accounts or databases between Azure AD Connect installations.

Use the following lines of PowerShell on a system with the Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell installed, while signed in with a user account that is a member of the Domain Admins group in the same Active Directory domain as where Azure AD Connect is going to be installed, supposing AADC01 is the hostname of the server intended to run Azure AD Connect:

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

New-ADServiceAccount AADC1gMSA -DNSHostName AADC1gMSA.domain.tld -PrincipalsAllowedToRetrieveManagedPassword "CN=AADC01,CN=Computers,DC=domain,DC=tld"

On the SQL Server, perform the following actions:

  • Start Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
  • Connect to your server in the Connect to Server dialog
  • In the left navigation pane, right-click on Databases
    and select New Database….
  • In the New Database dialog screen, enter the name for
    the database.
  • Click OK to create the database.
  • In the left navigation pane, expand Security.
  • Right-click the logins node and select New
    The Login – New dialog screen opens on the
    General page.
  • Specify AADC1gmsa$ as the Login
    . and make sure Windows Authentication
    is selected as the login method.
  • In the left navigation pane, click on User Mapping.
  • On the User Mapping page, select the Azure AD Connect
    database you created in steps 3 through 5 from the list of databases in the
    Users mapped to this login:.
  • In the Database role membership for:
    ADSyncAADC01 select db_owner.
  • Click OK to create the login and set the database
  • Close Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

Next, on the new Azure AD Connect installation, perform the following lines of Windows PowerShell to install the group Managed Service Account (gMSA):

Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell

Import-Module ActiveDirectory

Install-ADServiceAccount -Identity AADC1gMSA

Uninstall-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell


Pre-create the Active Directory connector account(s)

If the current Azure AD Connect installation uses a service account whose account name doesn’t start with MSOL_, then you might want to opt to pre-create a service account for the new Azure AD Connect installation, too.

Use the following lines of PowerShell on a system with the Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell installed, while signed in with a user account that is a member of the Domain Admins group for the Active Directory domain(s) where the objects reside that will be in scope of Azure AD Connect:

New-ADUser -Name:"AADSync02" -Path:"CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=tld"

$Id = "CN=AADSync02,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=tld"

Set-ADAccountPassword -Identity:$Id -NewPassword:"P@ssw0rd" -Reset:$true

Enable-ADAccount -Identity:$Id

Set-ADObject -Identity:$Id -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion:$true

Set-ADUser -ChangePasswordAtLogon:$false -Identity:$Id -SmartcardLogonRequired:$false

Then, add the new user account to the groups that provide Azure AD Connect permissions in Active Directory.

Repeat the steps for any other domains in scope for Azure AD Connect.


Step 6, Create the Staging Mode Azure AD Connect installation

Now, we’ve ticked all the prerequisites. It’s time to create the new Azure AD Connect installation in Staging Mode. Perform these steps:

  • Sign in interactively to the Windows Server installation.
  • Open Server Manager if it hasn’t started by default.
  • In Server Manager‘s left navigation menu click on Local Server
  • In Server Manager’s main pane turn off the IE Enhanced Security Configuration feature.
  • Close Server Manager.
  • Open a browser and download the latest version of Azure AD Connect.
  • Run the downloaded AzureADConnect.msi.
    Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect wizard appears.
  • On the Welcome to Azure AD Connect page, select the I agree to the license terms and privacy notice. option.
  • Click Continue.
  • On the Express Settings page, click Customize.
  • On the Install required components page, make the following changes:
    • (Optionally) Select the Use an existing SQL Server option and specify values in the SERVERNAME, INSTANCE NAME and DATABASE NAME fields, if you want to use the pre-created database on the SQL Server.
    • (Optionally) Select the Use an existing service account option and specify the credentials of the pre-created service account.
    • (Optionally) Select the Specify custom sync groups option and specify the group names for the four built-in Azure AD Connect roles.

Azure AD Connect - Install required components - Import synchronization settings

    • Select the Import synchronization settings option.
    • Click the Browse button.
      The Import Azure AD Connect Settings screen opens.
    • Navigate to the (network) folder where the *.json file is located and select it.
    • Click Open.
  • Back in the Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect screen, click Install.

Now, all the choices of the other Azure AD Connect installation will be prepopulated for you. If need be, you can change settings during the configuration of Azure AD Connect. If you don’t want to make changes, you can simple click Next on every page, with the following exceptions:

  • You will need to enter the credentials of an account in Azure AD with Global Administrator privileges on the Connect to Azure AD page. You will need to perform multi-factor authentication when required, too.
  • On the Connect your directories page, you will need to enter the credentials of the Active Directory Connector account for each Active Directory forest that you want to add, or the credentials of an account with membership to the Enterprise Admins group in each of the Active Directory forests to create the required accounts.
  • In case of AD FS as the sign-in method, you will need to enter the credentials of an account with membership to the Domain Admins group in the Active Directory domain to which the AD FS implementation belongs.
  • In case of AD FS as the sign-in method, you will need to specify the information of the existing AD FS farm and select the Azure AD domain to federate. The custom domain name will be updated with the settings of the AD FS implementation.

On the Ready to configure page, the Enable staging mode: When selected, synchronization will not export any data to AD or Azure AD option is selected by default. Click Install on this page to configure Azure AD Connect.

Azure AD Connect - Configuration Complete

On the Configuration complete page, click Next (in case of AD FS as the sign-in method) or Exit.


Step 7, Compare the Export to the Applied Synchronization Policy

Azure AD Connect has created an Applied-SynchronizationPolicy-<date>
file in the folder C:\ProgramData\AADConnect. Compare this file to the  Exported-SynchronizationPolicy-<date>-<time>.json file to see any differences in the configuration of both Azure AD Connect installations.


Step 8, Compare both metaverses

Before we switch the actively synchronizing Azure AD Connect installation, with the Staging Mode Azure AD Connect installation, I tend to compare the contents of the metaverses.

From the Start Menu, open Synchronization Service on both Azure AD Connect installations. Compare the number of objects in the metaverses between both Azure AD Connect installations and sample a couple of objects for their attributes.


Step 9, Switch the current Azure AD Connect installation into Staging Mode, too

As we can only have one actively synchronizing Azure AD Connect installation, we need to configure the current Azure AD Connect installation into Staging Mode, too. Perform these steps on the current Azure AD Connect installation:

  • Start Azure AD Connect from the desktop.
  • Acknowledge User Account Control by pressing Yes.
    The Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect window appears.
  • On the Welcome to Azure AD Connect screen, click Configure.
  • From the list of Additional Tasks, choose Configure staging mode.
  • Click Next.
  • On the Connect to Azure AD screen, sign into Azure AD with
    an account that has the Global Administrator / Company administrator role in
    the connected Azure AD tenant. Perform multi-factor authentication and/or
    privileged identity management (PIM) steps, when needed.
  • On the Configure Staging Mode screen, select the Enable staging mode option.
  • Click Next.
  • On the Ready to configure screen, click Configure.
  • On the Configuration complete screen, click Exit.


Step 10, Configure the Staging Mode server for active synchronization

Perform these steps on the new Azure AD Connect installation:

  • Start Azure AD Connect from the desktop.
  • Acknowledge User Account Control by pressing Yes.
    The Microsoft Azure Active Directory Connect window appears.
  • On the Welcome to Azure AD Connect screen, click Configure.
  • From the list of Additional Tasks, choose Configure staging mode.
  • Click Next.
  • On the Connect to Azure AD screen, sign into Azure AD with
    an account that has the Global Administrator / Company administrator role in
    the connected Azure AD tenant. Perform multi-factor authentication and/or
    privileged identity management (PIM) steps, when needed.
  • On the Configure Staging Mode screen, unselect the Enable staging mode option.

Azure AD Connect - Configure staging mode

  • Click Next.
  • On the Ready to configure screen, click Configure.
  • On the Configuration complete screen, click Exit.

The new Azure AD Connect installation will now perform a full synchronization cycle.


Step 11, Check the Synchronization Service

As the first synchronization cycle with the new AD Connector account puts the privileges of the account to the test, check the synchronization service for errors. Perform these steps on the new Azure AD Connect installation:

  • From the Start Menu, open Synchronization Service.
    The Synchronization Service Manager window appears.
  • In the main pane, check the Status column in the list of Connector Operations for errors. If there are errors, resolve these, so they don’t appear on the next run.
  • Close the Synchronization Service Manager window.


Step 12, (Optionally) Optimize the Azure AD Connect database

If the Microsoft SQL Server is configured with the Always-On Availability Group feature, you can now make the Azure AD Connect database highly available. Perform these steps to do so:

  • Start Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.
  • Connect to your server in the Connect to Server dialog
  • In the left navigation pane, expand Always On High Availability and right-click on Availability Groups. Select the New Availability Group Wizard… option from the context menu.
    The New Availability Group screen appears.
  • On the Introduction page, click Next.
  • Enter the name of the Availability Group in the Availability group name: field and click Next.
  • On the Select Databases page, select the checkbox to the left of the Azure AD Connect database to include it in the Availability Group. Click Next.
  • On the Specify Replicas page under the Replicas tab, select the other Microsoft SQL Servers to host the database.
  • Under the Listener tab, select the Create an availability group listener option and specify a listener DNS name and port. Click Add… when done and provide an IP address.
  • Click OK.
  • Click Next.
  • On the Select Initial Data Synchronization page, select the Full option.
  • Click Next.
  • On the Validation page, verify that all validation checks are successful.
  • Click Next.
  • On the Summary page, click Finish.
  • On the Results page, verify that all tasks have been completed successfully.
  • Click Exit.


Step 13, (Optionally) Decommission the first Azure AD Connect installation

The first Azure AD Connect installation is now a Staging Mode installation, that no longer performs exports to Active Directory or Azure AD. It can be decommissioned, by uninstalling Azure AD Connect from the system. Perform these steps to do so:

  • Sign in interactively with an account that has local administrator privileges.
  • Right-click the Start button and select Apps and Features from the context menu.
  • In the list of Apps & features, select Azure AD Connect.
  • Click the Uninstall button in the additional information field for the Azure AD Connect installation.


Step 14, (Optionally) Remove the first Azure AD Connect installation’s SQL database

On the Microsoft SQL Server, you can now safely delete the database for the original Azure AD Connect installation.


Step 15, (Optionally) Remove lingering service accounts

When the original Azure AD Connect installation used a service account, you can now safely remove it. Use the following line of Windows PowerShell to do so:

Remove-ADUser -Identity "CN=AADSync01,CN=Users,DC=domain,DC=tld"



Performing a swing migration of Azure AD Connect is more straight-forward using the new import/export configuration functionality in Azure AD Connect since

36 Responses to HOWTO: Perform an Azure AD Connect Swing Migration


    I miss the csexport and csanalyzer steps to verify the new sync server.


    That's a great article to detailed all the steps in Swing Migration. Awesome ! Thanks Sander.

    However , I have some questions while setup the new staging aad connect server in such migration.

    Which one is better ? With using new domain account as a sync service account or still using the domain account which is currently running in current AAD connect server ? If so , any reasons ?


    • Hi Talmud,

      I would always create a new service account:

      • We see a good deal of older installations with service accounts that are members of the Domain Admins group. With multiple service accounts, admins can find what would break when these permissions are stripped and can apply the right permissions. No admin in their right minds would do this with one service account with multiple Azure AD Connect installations connected to it…
      • We see Azure AD Connect service accounts with passwords that have not been changed since the inception of the service account. No admin in their right minds would change the password of a service account with multiple Azure AD Connect installations connected to it…
      • We see a lot of service accounts created by Azure AD Connect with default permissions. These accounts are overprivileged, by default.
      • Service accounts for different services should be split and properly named. This way, they can be audited properly and they can be decommissioned when the service is decommissioned. Lingering service accounts due to lack of insight where the service account is used is the number 2 mistake admins make with service accounts (after making them domain admin by default…)
      • The Azure AD Connect service account is used to communicate with the database. When the database is located on a SQL Server (cluster), then you definitely want a separate service account so that the Azure AD Connect installations can't access each others databases. This could lead to data corruption.
      • When utilizing one service account, an attacker could gain access to all Azure AD Connect installations when the service account is compromised, instead of just one of the installations.
      • When you configure service accounts as accounts that cannot be signed in with interactively, they don't require a Windows Server CAL. Additional Azure AD Connect service accounts don't require additional licenses.

      I've shared how to create Azure AD Connect service accounts properly, using a group for the Active Directory delegations. Adding an Azure AD Connect service account is as simple as creating a new user object and assigning the group memberships.


    Hi from NSW, Australia and thanks, it all worked perfectly.

    Get-LocalGroup didn't work for me, so I just used net localgroup in cmd.


    Thanks for the detailed guideline!

    I am confused about the steps as step 2 looks more like an In-place Upgrade rather than a Swing Upgrade that uses a secondary server. I see that you also mention to upgrade the AAD Connect in step 2 and then inventory it later in step 3. Assuming steps 2 and 3 are for the same server, shouldn't we perform the inventory activities prior to the actual upgrade? What's the reasoning behind performing the upgrade beforehand?

    • The feature to export the configuration was first introduced in Azure AD Connect version
      To take advantage of this feature, we need to upgrade the initial Azure AD Connect installation to this version or a newer version.

      If the initial version of Azure AD Connect already runs Azure AD Connect version, you can skip that step.


    Great Article.

    We are planning to do a swing migration as current version we are running is deprecated and too big a jump to do an in place upgrade ver is 1.18 so doesn't have export feature.

    WE plan to start install of New AADc server and then use the migratesettings.ps1 to export settings from old version then import .json into the New AADC Server as per

    WE noticed after we imported .json that on the User Sign in Screen Enable Single Sign on was Not checked even though it is enabled in production and so the import config should have this enabled..

    Have you seen anything similar where options don't carry over from the import ?


    Thanks Sander very helpful.I think a combination of the tools and documenting the process is the key to a successful swing migration especially if migrating from much older deprecated versions.


    Hi, great article!

    I have take over an old installation with super-old AADsync 1.1647. Is it advisable to upgrade and do the swing sync or just export and verify settings?

    • Hi Scott,

      That is an old version! Version 1.1647 was released four years ago…

      Unfortunately, the Expert settings functionality wasn't introduced until version (July 2020), so if you want to use that functionality, you'll need to perform an in-place upgrade (and Full Sync) first.
      I recommend using the Expert settings functionality, but of course, you can always just 'wing it'.


    Thanks Sander for this great article.

    I got one question.

    When Staging mode is disabled in new AADConnect server, it begins to export data to AD and AAD. Is Password hash syncronizations affected while server starts doing the exports? I'm just concerned of delay when password hashes are synced to directories if server is still occupied exporting the data to directories.


    Hi Sander,

    We are looking to upgrade Azure AD Connect and need to move from a Full SQL Server 2012 on Windows Server 2012 connection to SQL Server Express 2019 that comes as the install. Any recommendations on how to do this and should we look to do a Swing migration or an in-place upgrade. The current v1.6 Azure AD Connect installation is on Windows Server 2016.




    Ohh man, I guess I am not the only one taking this kind of project over from a former employee. We are on version aadc Most things look standard (thanks for the tips btw), except we have changed 2 synchronization rules [i think because of msExchHideFromAddressLists looks like]. I am trying to get to 1.5.45 [so i can then swing onto a different OS]. Is there some kind of stepwise in-place upgrade versions you suggest i should use on my way to 1.5.45? to 1.5.45 seems like a really big step to do all at once. hoping for some advice. Thanks.

    • Hi Manny,

      The reason to upgrade is to have the ability to export and then import the configuration.
      Alternatively, you can 'wing it' by writing down the configuration and configuring the new Azure AD Connect with the same settings.

      In-place upgrading isn't a really big deal with Azure AD Connect. Just make sure you make backups or application-aware snapshots of the server(s) running Azure AD Connect and your AD FS servers. AD FS claims rules get updated, so you may want to be aware of that.

      Microsoft only allows you to download the latest Azure AD Connect version. I recommend downloading Azure AD Connect v1.x in your case.



    your advice worked.
    i did inplace upgrades on the w2k8 server>> -> [fixed the rules here]
    then swing migration from w2k8-> w2k19 with using the import/export
    finally. ->
    thanks for your help


    Great article Sander. Excellent step by step with details. Kudos.


    To quote "Mike" – "Great article Sander. Excellent step by step with details. Kudos."



    An outstanding article, really helpful, ours worked just as described.
    Many thanks,


    for old versions you can use migrate.ps1 to export settings and then compare to new settings. I would recommend using winmerge to compare the syncrules xml files to make sure that they are all good


    Thank you for the steps. It helped me perform the cutover from an old server to a new server with a new Azure AD Connect installation.

    I have removed the old Azure AD Connect from the old server, then proceeded to demote the old Domain Controller. Immediately, synchronization failed on the new Azure AD Connect server. That is when I noticed the Synchronization service manager on the new Azure AD Connect server is using the old Domain controller for its connection. This connection failed with server down after demotion. Now I managed to get it working again by promoting back the old Domain controller temporarily.

    Don't know why this happened that the connection didn’t change to the new Domain Controller. Could you please advise on how I can change this connection manually to connect to the new Domain controller?

    • Hi James,

      It looks like you're experiencing Domain Controller stickiness.
      Here are some possible solutions: Domain Controller Stickiness Prevention


    Hi Sander,

    Thank you for providing this excellent article.

    I do have a question regarding the AAD Connect Agent.

    For example:

    Host A: Runs Server 2012 R2 with AAD connect v1.6.4.0

    Appreciate v1 has been deprecated and we want to migrate to a new server. With this in mind the new Host (Host B) will run server 2016 AAD agent V2 (latest provided by Microsoft to date).

    Are we able to export / import config from AAD agent V1 to V2 directly, or should Host A / B run on the same Agent version before upgrading AAD host B to Agent version 2+.

    Many thanks

    • Yes, the export/import functionality was designed for this purpose.


    I am confused by these 2 sections.

    Pre-create the group Managed Service Account and database

    Pre-create the Active Directory connector account(s)

    Are you saying we need to create a gMSA AND and an AD account – 2accounts? From what I've read, you can use a gMSA as the only onprem AD account you need when using a remote sql server.

    Please advise

    • Hi Tony,

      Yes, you need two accounts:

      • The gMSA is used to run the ADSync service and connect to the database
      • The Active Directory Connector account is used to connect to the directory and perform read (and write) operations there

      The gMSA is not needed in all scenarios, but it is needed / recommended when:

      • You install Azure AD Connect on a Domain Controller, as the vSA is not available on Domain Controllers
      • You use Azure AD Connect with SQL Server
      • , as this prevents having to

    Also, what is ADSyncAADC01 referring to when you say to set it as db owner? Do you mean AADC01 which is the server running Azure AD Connect new install?

    • ADSyncAADC01 is the database name.

      You create a SQL login for the gMSA within the SQL Server configuration, then you assign that account permissions to the previously created database, so that Azure AD Connect can use it as a service, running the same gMSA.


    Magnificient article, thanks!


    Hi Sander,

    This blogpost is almost 3 years and still perfectly useful. Thanks for the great article!

    My Azure AD Connect runs version 1.5.45 with an external database and AD FS as authentication method.
    I am stuck at the AD FS part, when I try a swing migration. So I was thinking to do a direct update (Server Version and SQL are fine)

    Do you see any problems for a direct upgrade when AD FS is used?

    • Hi Michael,

      I've described the intricacies around Azure AD Connect and AD FS in this blogpost on leveraging Azure AD Connect Staging Mode for Release Management. In short: whether you perform an in-place upgrade or a swing migration, the AD FS claims rules for the 'Microsoft Office 365 Identity Platform' relying party trust in AD FS will be upgraded. In both scenarios a backup is created of the previous rules, so you can go back.



    Went through the entre swing migration (Moving from 1.6 to 2.1) everything looked good. When trying to switch the new AADC Server from staging mode get the following error: An error occurred executing Configure AAD Sync task: Failed to Disable staging mode.

    I am at a loss what the issue could be

    • Hi Bryan,

      Perhaps the last few lines of the most recent trace log file in the C:\ProgramData\AADConnect folder could provide some more information on what is going on?


    Very good article Sander, thanks, very useful


    This was a fantastic, easy-to-use guide. Thank you for sharing it!

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