Category Archives: Altaro

Going All-in with HornetSecurity 365 Total Protection

Previously, I’ve shared my experiences with Altaro’s Office 365 Backup and Hornetsecurity’s 365 Threat Monitor. Both services add information security value on their own, but are also part of something bigger: HornetSecurity’s 365 Total Protection.  Should you go all-in with HornetSecurity’s 365 Total Protection to face your Microsoft 365 challenges head-on? The three flavours of […]


Altaro Office 365 Backup: SMB’s one-stop solution for Office 365 data protection

When your organization leverages Microsoft Cloud services, it should have some idea on how to cope with the inevitable. You should make backups to elevate beyond the mere replicas Microsoft makes of your data… and then test these backups to make sure you can restore the backed up information. This should not be new to […]