Category Archives: Windows 8

List of Hypervisors supporting VM-GenerationID

Microsoft introduced the VM-GenerationID in Windows Server 2012, to enable Virtual Machines (VMs) to notice when they’re snapshotted, restored and/or cloned. Active Directory is the first technology to put the VM-GenerationID to good use. The following Hypervisors support VM-GenerationID: Windows Server 2012 Standard Edition (Hyper-V) Windows Server 2012 Enterprise Edition (Hyper-V) Hyper-V Server 2012  (Hyper-V) […]


KnowledgeBase: You can only log on as "Other user" when the "Do not display last user name" Group Policy setting is enabled in Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012

Many Active Directory admins consider it unsafe to display the last users logon name on the Logon Screen, since it provides information on naming conventions, etc. to possible malicious people. Others change the default Logon Screen to accommodate for presentation PCs, flexworker desktops and other commonly shared IT equipment.


Embracing the new Windows 8 Interface with these Three Free IT Pro Apps

I’ve been a production Windows 8 user since the Windows 8 Developer Preview. Like you, I’ve been through the stages of Kübler-Ross with the new Windows 8 Interface (formerly known as ‘Metro’). At first I started cluttering my Start Screen with the built-in applications and tended to focus on the ones that featured a Live […]


System Center 2012 ServicePack 1 has arrived for TechNet and MSDN subscribers

System Center 2012 was released in April 2012, well before Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 were released. As a consequence, these Operating Systems weren't supported. This functionality was slated for System Center 2012 with ServicePack 1, among other new exciting new functionality. This makes ServicePack 1 for System Center 2012 not just an ordinary […]


Five Must-Have Hardware components to get the most out of Windows 8 (and Windows Server 2012)

Windows 8 offers many new  features, compared to Windows XP, Windows Vista and even Windows 7. Some of these features are fantastic, but come with a top of the bill hardware price tag. In this blogpost I’ll explain why you’ll need to scour the specifications of your hardware components for these five acronyms


Pictures of the December 11 IT Camp with Tony Krijnen

As announced in an earlier blogpost, I hosted a Microsoft Netherlands Datacenter Virtualization IT Camp with Tony Krijnen on December 11, 2012. We had a lot of fun and in this blogpost I’ll try and share some of the fun.


I’ve technically reviewed O’Reilly’s ‘Windows 8 Hacks’

Although this blog typically contains Windows Server-related tips, tricks, howtos and reviews, I am also pretty known with the Windows client. After I technically reviewed ‘Windows 8: Out of the Box’, as published by O’Reilly Media, I was contacted about five months ago to be one of the two technical reviewers of ‘Windows 8 Hacks’, […]

Update adds support for Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 to Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, and Windows Server 2008 R2 KMS hosts

I’ve written before on Active Directory-based Activation. This new activation method allows domain-joined Windows 8 clients and Windows Server 2012-based member servers to be activated and deactivated automatically based on their domain membership. I’m very fond of this feature. However, for many enterprise organizations, Active Directory-based Activation is beyond their reach for numerous reasons.


Windows 8 Migration Checklist

Since Windows 8 is now available, some of our jobs at work is to make plans to replace our Windows client infrastructure. At my employer we’ve already migrated to Windows 8 and this has provided us with a wealth of information, experience and feedback. Some of this information, luckily, I’m able to share with you […]


Photos of Objectives 2012, the Dutch Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 Partner Launch Event

Yesterday, Microsoft Netherlands organized a free event for roughly 800 members of the Microsoft Partner Network, where they launched Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, together with Ingram Micro, Copaco, Actebis and Tech Data, and a lot of their OEM Partners like Dell, Samsung, HP, Asus, Acer, Toshiba and Fujitsu. As I posted earlier, I […]