Category Archives: Microsoft Windows Server 2003

Regarding Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2

Windows Vista and its Group Policies

Microsoft Windows Vista comes with a complete new way of implementing Group Policy settings, a new lay-out for Group Policy settings and even complete new Group Policy settings. Windows Server "Longhorn" adds even more bling to your Group Policies!


Don't get stuck with SUS

As some of you might already have read Microsoft will stop delivering updates to SUS servers on wednesday December 6, 2006 This effectively gives it's administrators exactly six days to get their act together for patch tuesday on December 12, 2006.


Unsolicited Remote Assistance

With the release of Microsoft Windows XP Microsoft introduced a feature called ‘Remote Assistance’. Microsoft described this feature as the means to invite a person on another Microsoft Windows XP box to your Microsoft Windows XP box. You could use MSN Messenger, Windows Messenger or e-mail to send the invites. Although this is a nice […]


Deploying printers with Group Policy

In Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Microsoft introduced a feature called Deploying Printers with Group Policy from within the new and improved Print Management Console. I like the new feature, but I’m not using it, because it’s not a 100% solution to the printing problems many organizations face today.