Monthly Archives: April 2014

KEMP LoadMaster vs IIS 8.0 ARR: a note on security

Reading Time: 5 minutesIntroduction In my spare time I like to test software/appliances that I work with, for security flaws. Since the heartbleed bug has made news headlines around the world, I take extra measures to secure everything that needs SSL to work. NOTE: Kemp has released a firmware that patches the Hearbleed vulnerability. Please download it and […]

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One for the books

Reading Time: 3 minutesLast week I had the opportunity to sit down for the 70-337 (Enterprise Voice & Online Services with Microsoft Lync Server 2013) exam. Passing this exam will reward you with the MCSE: Communication title. Little is known on how to study for this exam. In this blog post I want to share my experience on […]

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