As I wrote few days ago we have new Identity Management product from Microsoft – Identity Lifecycle Manager 2007. As I'm in Seattle at this moment I had a chance to take a look at it a little. What ILM 2007 is and what it isn't?
ILM 2007 is product which combines in fact two products:
- Microsoft Identity Integration Server (MIIS) which delivers metaverse services and synchronization engines. This is well known product for everybody who deals with IdM projects on Windows Server platform.
- Certificate Lifecycle Manager 2007 is new product which delivers possibility of managing (issue, revoke etc) user certificates within organization, with some self service capabilities etc.
With ILM 2007 we will get both products and integration between them through web service and appropriate management agent. So we will be able to use MIIS as a synchronization engine and also manage users certificates in automated way which allows us to create scenario with for example revoking user certificates when user ends its employment. Of course we can imagine more examples of using such combination.
With ILM 2007 pricing and licensing for product containing MIIS is changing. Right now MIIS 2003 is being priced on per-processor basis. With ILM:
- product is priced on per-server basis for MIIS
- per server price is greatly reduced as list price is 15 000 USD per-server
- additional per-user CALs are required when ILM 2007 is used to manage user certificates with CLM. Base price for CAL is 25 USD.
More information about licensing can be found on product web page.
At this moment it is everything what I can tell about product, I will try to post more as soon as I will play with a beta bits. BTW, You can sign up for beta on Connect web page.
It looks like ILM 2007 is a beginning of a new product wave which will bring us new IdAM solution from Microsoft in some not very far from here time frame. Details about further product plans are not public yet, so I will check what can be published and get back to it later.
And besides ILM 2007 release plans regarding SP2 for MIIS 2003 are still in place.