Reading Time: < 1 minuteI just got back home from TechED from Berlin. This was kind of special TechED for me, for at least three reasons: I was first time in last 5 years on TechED, kind of side effect of my departure from Microsoft I was speaking for the first there at TechED !!! Last but by any … Continue reading "Speaking of (at)TechED"
Category: 1029
First snow this year
Reading Time: < 1 minuteJust few days ago I posted few pictures taken in Warsaw in sunny day. Below is a photo taken on this Sunday morning from my flat window. Ladies and gentleman Her Majesty Winter has arrived (not for long at this time, as rain washed this snow very quickly).
About me …
Reading Time: 2 minutesI read on some blog about blogging that it is good to introduce yourself for blog audience, so here's a little article about myself. My name is Tomek Onyszko (Tomek is a short name from Tomasz) and I live in Warsaw, capitol of Poland. I work as a Consultant in local Microsoft subsidiary, mostly on … Continue reading "About me …"