I remember pretty well when Guy Teverovsky shared his CoreConfigurator tool, to help Server Core Systems Administrators perform everyday tasks through a Graphical User Interface (GUI). I still remember the buzz it generated throughout the blogosphere, I still remember the amount of kudos to Guy for building and sharing this tool, I still remember the … Continue reading "CoreConfigurator brought back to life by Smart-X"
Category: Product and Manufacturer News
Product and Manufacturer News
An early look at new Hyper-V features
The Windows Server 2008 R2 timeframe will also bring the next version of the Hyper-V technology. This new version can either be seen as Hyper-V R2 or Hyper-V v2.0 (depending on your opinion on Hyper-V) and comes with a load of new features and hardware support.
An early look at new features in Server Core
At Tech∙Ed last week some information emerged on Windows Server 2008 R2. Specifically some information was handed out on the Server Core installation option in the successor to Windows Server 2008. Let’s take an early look at the differences between Server Core installations of Windows Server 2008 and Server Core installations of Windows Server 2008 … Continue reading "An early look at new features in Server Core"
Deadlines and the sound they make (Hyper-V)
Douglas Adams once said: I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by. Microsoft has been scrutinized by many for not delivering on time, but this time it's the other way around. Microsoft promised to release Hyper-V within 180 days from the Windows Server 2008 release. Since Windows Server 2008 … Continue reading "Deadlines and the sound they make (Hyper-V)"
5 things you should know about Windows 7
All you need to know is… … What you already know. In our society information is the greatest good. Microsoft has decided not to release a lot of information on Windows 7 for a reason. It was one of the mistakes admitted with Windows Vista. Some features (like WinFS) got dropped totally, while other features … Continue reading "5 things you should know about Windows 7"
Hyper-V RC1 Released
Microsoft is definitely making progress on its Virtualization line-up. Yesterday they released the Release Candidate 1 (RC1) bits for Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V to supersede the Release Candidate 0 (RC0) bits, many of us might already be running. Now is the right time to start testing Hyper-V if you haven't already begun doing so. This … Continue reading "Hyper-V RC1 Released"
Everyday is a winding road
On the Microsoft Windows Vista team website Microsoft announced the strategy to supply consumers with Microsoft Windows Vista (and Microsoft Office 2007) for Windows Vista Capable PC's they buy during the holiday season, called the "Express Upgrade to Windows Vista and Microsoft Office Technology Guarantee".
Virtual PC for free!
Just like VMWare's Virtual Server, the VMWare Player, Xen (and of course Microsoft's Virtual Server) Microsoft Virtual PC is now free!