With Windows Vista amounting to a 31% market share in enterprise environments, many big companies will be making to switch from Windows XP to Windows 7 directly. In the eight years between their respective launches, a lot has changed in the world. Not just in the world we know, but also in the world of … Continue reading "7 Things to look for in Windows 7 PC Hardware"
Category: 1247
Member of the Q&A Panel at NGNs Windows 7 Deployment Event
With the release of Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, The Dutch Network User Group (in Dutch: ‘Netwerk Gebruikersgroep Nederland’ or ‘NGN’ for short) organizes a Windows 7 Deployment event on Monday October 26th, 2009 in Ede, the Netherlands. The event will not be focusing on the cool new features of Windows 7, but … Continue reading "Member of the Q&A Panel at NGNs Windows 7 Deployment Event"
Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010 is here!
One of the reasons I held back on deploying Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 centrally is the lack of supported deployment solutions from Microsoft. I outlined my deployment checklist here. One of my major objections, however, just got solved; Microsoft has released the Microsoft Deployment Toolkit (MDT) 2010 solution accelerator version 5.0.1641.0.
Windows 7 Migration Checklist
Since Windows 7 is now available and downloadable for Microsoft Partners (and everyone else with a MSDN or TechNet subscription), one of my first jobs at work is to make plans to replace our Windows Vista Enterprise boxes with Windows 7 Enterprise. I’m about to upgrade all client PCs on the network to Microsoft Windows … Continue reading "Windows 7 Migration Checklist"
Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 RTM’ed
Microsoft released Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 and Hyper-V Server 2008 R2 to manufacturers (RTM) today.
Planning on upgrading to Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2?
You might be one of those persons, fervently running Windows 7 on their day-to-day laptop (like me) and you might be one of those persons building Windows Server 2008 R2 rigs for test and demo purposes. (like me) You might also be one of the lucky persons to lay your hands on a pre-order for … Continue reading "Planning on upgrading to Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2?"
Windows 7 RSAT Release Candidate
Not everyone likes the chilly climate of the server room or the mesmerizing humming of racks, stuffed with server hardware. For these pseudo-admins, Microsoft releases remote management tools. (They work wonders for managing Server Core installations, too!) The latest incarnation was released two weeks ago and works with Windows 7.
How to install Windows XP Mode for Application Compatibility
One of the new and interesting features in the Windows 7 Release Candidate (RC), mentioned a few days ago, is the ability to utilize a virtual Windows XP with Service Pack 3 environment for application compatibility. This feature is called Windows 7 XP Mode and builds on Windows Virtual PC 7. The new Virtual PC … Continue reading "How to install Windows XP Mode for Application Compatibility"
Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 Release Candidates available
The Release Candidates (RCs) for Microsofts upcoming Windows Client Operating System, Windows 7, and Microsofts upcoming Server Operating System, Windows Server 2008 R2, are now available for public download. While these Release Candidates were already available for download to TechNet and MSDN subscribers from April 30th, now everyone can legally (and safely) download the … Continue reading "Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 Release Candidates available"
Windows 7 Beta, fishing for clues
Since Saturday January 10th, Windows 7 Beta (build 7000) has found its way to a lot of people downloading its bytes from the Microsoft download servers, to find themselves confronted with a fantastic looking creature after initial installation: