Tech∙Ed EMEA 2008 IT Pro Day 5 Recap

Dave and I are your DirTeam bloggers on Microsoft’s Tech∙Ed Europe Middle East & Africa (EMEA) conference for IT Professionals in Barcelona (Spain) from November 3rd, 2008 to November 7th, 2008. Welcome to the last day of the conference. The last chance to get ahead with sessions, hands on labs, instructor led labs, and networking. … Continue reading "Tech∙Ed EMEA 2008 IT Pro Day 5 Recap"

Tech∙Ed EMEA 2008 IT Pro Day 4 Recap

Dave and I are your DirTeam bloggers on Microsoft’s Tech∙Ed Europe Middle East & Africa (EMEA) conference for IT Professionals in Barcelona (Spain) from November 3rd, 2008 to November 7th, 2008. So you’re still with us? Let’s take a look at Thursday, day 4 of the conference. Highlights: Speaker Idol, Mark Russinovich, great cigars and … Continue reading "Tech∙Ed EMEA 2008 IT Pro Day 4 Recap"

Tech∙Ed EMEA 2008 IT Pro Day 3 Recap

Dave and I are your DirTeam bloggers on Microsoft’s Tech∙Ed Europe Middle East & Africa (EMEA) conference for IT Professionals in Barcelona (Spain) from November 3rd, 2008 to November 7th, 2008. Welcome to day 3 of this great event! A special day because tonight features the Country Drinks. But first, let’s start by having a … Continue reading "Tech∙Ed EMEA 2008 IT Pro Day 3 Recap"

Tech∙Ed EMEA 2008 IT Pro Day 2 Recap

Dave and I are your DirTeam bloggers on Microsoft’s Tech∙Ed Europe Middle East & Africa (EMEA) conference for IT Professionals in Barcelona (Spain) from November 3rd, 2008 to November 7th, 2008. Tuesday was the first ‘normal’ Conference day. Highlights include keeping an eye on my credit card, asking questions to the Active Directory team and … Continue reading "Tech∙Ed EMEA 2008 IT Pro Day 2 Recap"

Tech∙Ed EMEA 2008 IT Pro Day 1 Recap

Dave and I are your DirTeam bloggers on Microsoft’s Tech∙Ed Europe Middle East & Africa (EMEA) conference for IT Professionals in Barcelona (Spain) from November 3rd, 2008 to November 7th, 2008. Yesterday marked the start of the IT Pro Conference and from my perspective was pretty remarkable. Highlights: Brad Anderson’s keynote ‘announcements’, Steve Riley’s advice … Continue reading "Tech∙Ed EMEA 2008 IT Pro Day 1 Recap"