A while ago Microsoft announced to make the release of Windows Server 2008 R2 and further Windows Server releases 64bit-only. (both x86-64 and IA64) Windows Server 2008 R2 Server Core is even the first Microsoft Windows Server to optionally include 32bit support… Most systems administrators have no problem with Microsoft going 64bit-only. These are probably … Continue reading "64bit-only Windows Server is good for Active Directory"
ILM, Exchange 2007 management and network ports
ILM 2007 FP1 has enabled possibility for Exchange 2007 support in provisioning scenarios. This is being provided by cmdlets which are part of Exchange 2007 management tools which are required for this scenario to work (make sure that You are using Exchange roll-up 4 or higher update as there is a bug in earlier versions). … Continue reading "ILM, Exchange 2007 management and network ports"
“I’m PC” guy doing brain surgery
It was funny to watch “I’m PC” guy doing advising on brain surgery on last Battlestar Gallactica episod. BTW – BSG after the break is probably best part of this series in its four seasons. Its a pity that it ends. And to keep this post tech related – joe has released new ADFind version … Continue reading "“I’m PC” guy doing brain surgery"
And I will stick to my site
Some time ago on Polish Windows Server users forum about client site location mechanics in context of Exchange Server and how it deals with site location. As it turned out problem which was discussed was result of some specific 9bad) design but I will cover this further in more details. But thread itself was push … Continue reading "And I will stick to my site"
Powering Server Core
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 and Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 came with built-in support for serial and USB connected Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) devices. From within the Power Options you could manage your UPS and the shutdown behavior of the box.
5 areas of Microsofts vision on Systems Management
Microsoft products cover a multitude of technologies, and thus are managed by a multitude of management attitudes, vision and scenarios. In the past Microsoft products lacked a common vision on management, but Microsoft is slowly changing this.
Bare Metal Backup and Recovery of a Windows 2008 Server with WBAdmin
I work in a shop where we are unable to roll out the latest version of Veritas' NetBackUp (NBU) do to bugs. Although the version 6.5.3 now supports Windows 2008, it can't provide a clean backup that can be trusted so we needed to find a way to roll out a backup product. So while … Continue reading "Bare Metal Backup and Recovery of a Windows 2008 Server with WBAdmin"
Exchange 2007 and domain (re)name consideration
I’m trying to get back on track with all this blogging thing … probably trip to Seattle next week will not be helpful with that (BTW – if You are attending TR 🙂 you can meet this blog’s author there next week) but will see. For today … quick tip about Exchange 2007 and domain … Continue reading "Exchange 2007 and domain (re)name consideration"
Identity in real life … and I don’t mean net ;)
Discussions about identity and privacy are often treated as some sorts of theoretical debates. At least by so called “ordinary user” on the Internet. If we will think about adoption rate for technologies like OpenID or CardSpace we can get an impression that also people who are designing and developing web pages are not concerned … Continue reading "Identity in real life … and I don’t mean net ;)"
Smart-X CoreConfigurator … I’m impressed
Smart-X, the Israel-based company behind CoreConfigurator and former employer of Guy Teverovsky has released a new version of CoreConfigurator for Server Core installations of Windows Server 2008. And I must admit … I’m impressed!