Since Saturday January 10th, Windows 7 Beta (build 7000) has found its way to a lot of people downloading its bytes from the Microsoft download servers, to find themselves confronted with a fantastic looking creature after initial installation:
Category: 1054
How to install Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 Beta
Now that Microsoft has released the beta of Windows Server 2008 R2 to the public it’s time to get our hand dirty and install this test version. Let’s look at the system requirements Microsoft recommends and how to install it!
Windows 7 Update Package KB961367
As some of you may have picked up last week the Windows 7 beta build, that was announced yesterday, made available today for MSDN and TechNet subscribers and will be made available in several hours to the first 2.5 million people clicking the download link, contains a bug that corrupts *.mp3 files, when opened. Note: … Continue reading "Windows 7 Update Package KB961367"
Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 SP2 Beta Available
Mike Nash and Justin Graham announced the Customer Preview Program for Service Pack 2 Beta for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 on the The Windows Blog and the Windows Server Division Weblog earlier this week. While MSDN and TechNet Plus subscribers have access to the Beta builds of this Service Pack, mere mortals had … Continue reading "Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 SP2 Beta Available"
An early look at new Active Directory features
Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7 include new features in Active Directory, that were announced and explained at Microsoft’s Tech∙Ed Europe Middle East & Africa (EMEA) conference for IT Professionals in Barcelona (Spain) from November 3rd, 2008 to November 7th, 2008.
For beta or for worse
I've been beta testing a lot of unfinished software products in the past years. Not surprisingly most of these were Microsoft products. (and mostly unknowingly also many products from other vendors…) Let's dive into the world of alphas, betas, release candidates and other test versions, because I suspect seemingly more people using beta software isn't … Continue reading "For beta or for worse"
Windows 7 preliminary feature: Homegroup
Windows 7 Milestone 1 (build 6519) has leaked to the Internet almost a month now and one of the features that seems to be in it, caught my attention. It's the "Homegroup" feature, that was codenamed "Castle". Beta testers that have been around long enough remember this feature as left out of Windows Vista.
Back(-up) to Core Business
Windows Server 2008 brings the successor to ye old NTBackup. The role that can be installed separately includes both a Microsoft Management Console (MMC) as command line tools. In Server Core the role doesn't add the MMC, but sure adds the command line tool wbadmin.exe
Server Core patching benefits, as shown by Secunia
On January 9 Jakob Balle from Secunia wrote an interesting blog post on its Personal Security Inspector (PSI) software. Here's a quick quote to get you up to speed: 95 out of a 100 computers that are connected to the Internet have insecure software installed. By "insecure application" it is understood, that there is a … Continue reading "Server Core patching benefits, as shown by Secunia"
Server Core, the ideal Root Partition
Now that we have Hyper-V available as a Server Role on Windows Server 2008 Server Core I feel it's time to explain why Server Core would be the ideal Windows Server 2008 Installation method to install Hyper-V on, instead of the Full Installation method.