I've showed you some common commands for IPv4 networking in Part 1 and Part 2 of this series. Now that you know the commands to change your network settings I feel it's time to perform some tweaks to make your commands just a tiny bit shorter. As an added bonus you might be able to … Continue reading "Windows Server Core IP Configuration, Part 3"
Category: Server Core
Server Core
Windows Server Core IP Configuration, Part 2
In the first part of this series I explored the basic settings of IPv4 on Server Core installations. Now it's time to dive a little deeper and explore the tabs behind the Advanced button on the General tab of the Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) Properties screen.
Windows Server Core IP Configuration, Part 1
Networking services are a big part of the services you can make your Server Core box perform. Having properly configured network connections are prerequisites to offering these services, so I feel it's time to explain how to properly configure the networking connections on Server Core installations of Windows Server 2008.
Remotely managing your Server Core using RDP
Not all system administrators feel comfortable on the command line and most system administrators don't feel comfortable behind the console of their servers in their airconditioned and windowless (no pun intented) serverrooms for longer periods of time.
Server Core phone home
Windows Error Reporting (WER) is a Windows feature we know since Windows XP. (2001) Microsoft loves the feature enough to continue offering it in Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 and Server Core installations are no exception.
Page files in Server Core
Every Windows Server has a page file and Windows Server 2008 Server Core installations are no exception. Neither should they be an exception when it comes to tuning the page file for optimal performance and reliability.
Where to draw the line?
Despite what Susan Bradley thinks it's not just JoeWare that likes this "new no GUI, no IE, Command line only version of the Server Operating System in Windows Server 2008"… I too am growing very fond of Server Core. I love this little Operating System installation option and I am finding my way in it … Continue reading "Where to draw the line?"
Firewall management in Server Core, Part 2
A little while ago I showed how to manage the basic firewall in Windows Server 2008. Recently I found out the firewall team wants us to move to the Advanced Firewall commands, because netsh firewall can't: enable groups of rules; create rules for service; create rules that support multiple filtering criteria. Although netsh firewall will get … Continue reading "Firewall management in Server Core, Part 2"
Lifting the shroud off MinWin
Windows 7 isn't due for a very long time, but one of the most interesting things from the next version of Windows Operating System was publicly shown by Eric Traut on October 13th, 2007 at a presentation at the University of Illinois. (view links below) The feature I'm talking about is MinWin. It's basically a highly efficient Windows kernel … Continue reading "Lifting the shroud off MinWin"
Firewall management in Server Core, Part 1
In Server Core installations of Windows Server 2008 the Windows Firewall is enabled by default. This means it's locked up by default and offers little weakness towards unfriendly administrators and users. When you want to do something with your Server Core box you might want to open up the Windows Firewall a little bit to allow … Continue reading "Firewall management in Server Core, Part 1"