Join us for a webinar on Preventing attacks against Active Directory using Entra and Netwrix technologies

I’m proud to announce that I will be co-presenting a webinar with Netwrix’ Dirk Schrader on Tuesday February 21st, 2023 at 8PM CET (UTC+1) on preventing attacks against Active Directory using Entra and Netwrix technologies.   About the webinar Active Directory controls access to critical systems and data for organizations around the world, but it … Continue reading "Join us for a webinar on Preventing attacks against Active Directory using Entra and Netwrix technologies"

Multi-Factor Authentication Server version offers improved migration functionality to Azure MFA

On November 11th, 2022, Microsoft released version of its Azure MFA Server product that allows organization to add multi-factor authentication to RADIUS-, AD FS-, IIS-based and other on-premises authentication scenarios.   What’s New The release notes mention the following changes: Seamless Upgrades Azure MFA Server 8.1.3 introduces functionality to eliminate downtime when upgrading to … Continue reading "Multi-Factor Authentication Server version offers improved migration functionality to Azure MFA"

I’m speaking at the European SharePoint, Office 365 and Azure Conference (ESPC22)

I’m happy to announce that I am returning as a speaker for the European SharePoint, Office 365 and Azure Conference (ESPC) 2022 from November 28th to December 1st, 2022.   About ESPC22 The European SharePoint, Office 365 & Azure Conference (ESPC) provides Microsoft 365 and Azure professionals with the expert content and connections to help them achieve … Continue reading "I’m speaking at the European SharePoint, Office 365 and Azure Conference (ESPC22)"

Azure AD Connect v2.1.20.0 offers to synchronize to Azure AD’s employeeLeaveDateTime attribute

With Microsoft introducing the Lifecycle Workflows functionality Public Preview at its Microsoft Ignite event last month, some things are definitely changing… Azure AD is now poised to become the leading identity management plane and Active Directory to become a mere authentication store.However, to make that dream work, Azure AD Connect needs to offer additional functionality … Continue reading "Azure AD Connect v2.1.20.0 offers to synchronize to Azure AD’s employeeLeaveDateTime attribute"

HOWTO: Detect Kerberos tickets that are encrypted using RC4

When it comes to encryption, many weak algorithms and ciphers are still heavily used and relied upon in Active Directory environments everywhere. One of the typical weak algorithms used in encrypting Kerberos tickets is RC4; the cipher RC4-HMAC to be precise. Typically, RC4 is used by legacy systems, over misconfigured Active Directory trusts, and by … Continue reading "HOWTO: Detect Kerberos tickets that are encrypted using RC4"

Defender for Identity sensors will no longer be supported on Windows Server 2008 R2

Starting June 15 2022, Microsoft will no longer support Microsoft Defender for Identity sensors on servers running Windows Server 2008 R2. Microsoft recommends that admins identify any remaining domain controllers (DCs),  AD FS servers and AD FS Proxy servers that are still running Windows Server 2008 R2 as an operating system and make plans to … Continue reading "Defender for Identity sensors will no longer be supported on Windows Server 2008 R2"

HOWTO: Provide access to Employees Only in Azure AD

Azure Active Directory is extremely versatile and offers profound ways to share applications, data and functionality with people outside your organization. However, sometimes you don't want to share things with people outside your organization. Here's how.   The problem with All Users One of the first things you need to realize in Azure AD when … Continue reading "HOWTO: Provide access to Employees Only in Azure AD"

Setting up Hybrid Identity with AD FS through Azure AD Connect

When Active Directory on-premises and Azure AD work together, it’s called Hybrid Identity. Hybrid Identity is relatively easy to setup, when you use the Express Settings for Azure AD Connect. However, setting up Hybrid Identity with Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) is not that hard either. I’ll show you how to achieve this goal … Continue reading "Setting up Hybrid Identity with AD FS through Azure AD Connect"

The video of my presentation at IT Pro|Dev Connections is now available

IT Pro|Dev Connections is a conference organized by the largest Greek communities for everyone in the Computer and Information Technology industry. The content focuses on products, technologies and services that are "hot" or up and coming and provide valuable knowledge to the participants. On December 13th, 2020, I presented the following 50-minute session at the … Continue reading "The video of my presentation at IT Pro|Dev Connections is now available"

The Weblogs in 2020

Goodbye 2020! As we say goodbye to yet another calendar year, we’re sharing our achievements for the past year. Pageviews and visits Throughout 2020, the / Weblogs served just shy of 12 million pages. To be exact, we saw 11,728,906 pageviews this calendar year. Top blogs Traditionally, at the end of the year … Continue reading "The Weblogs in 2020"