According to rumours by Paul Thurrott (and others) you can find Microsoft Windows Vista Release Candidate 1 (RC1) build 5536 on the Microsoft Connect website. This is however a Pre-RC1 build of Microsoft Windows Vista as announced by the Microsoft Windows Vista Team Blog. It is however the 'escrow' build, which means we will be seeing Microsoft … Continue reading "Hang on to your seats! (Vista RC1 Build 5600)"
Don't get stuck with SUS
As some of you might already have read Microsoft will stop delivering updates to SUS servers on wednesday December 6, 2006 This effectively gives it's administrators exactly six days to get their act together for patch tuesday on December 12, 2006.
Unsolicited Remote Assistance
With the release of Microsoft Windows XP Microsoft introduced a feature called ‘Remote Assistance’. Microsoft described this feature as the means to invite a person on another Microsoft Windows XP box to your Microsoft Windows XP box. You could use MSN Messenger, Windows Messenger or e-mail to send the invites. Although this is a nice … Continue reading "Unsolicited Remote Assistance"
MIIS newbie tales: accessing SAP with .NET applications (or how to build MA for SAP)
So … MIIS newbie comes back after some time spent on MIIS development to share with You latest experience of building connection with different systems. Today’s topic: Connecting with SAP system. SAP is very common application (is this application or whole system now) in enterprise environment, and often it is a source of information about … Continue reading "MIIS newbie tales: accessing SAP with .NET applications (or how to build MA for SAP)"
WTF – some process
Today is a day for some less technical posts – I have a site The daily WTF which I'm visiting from time to time. Today my friend sent me a link to some hilarious thing – an process chart. But what chart this is – You have to see it for Yourself. PS. I think … Continue reading "WTF – some process"
Do you, speak like yoda, want to, hmm?
Somethig for every star wars fan, here is – write Yoda style post for your blog, if you want to, this generator use.
Auditing policy changes misunderstanding
This topic is probably familiar for most of peoples who are playing with Windows systems for a while, but maybe some newbie will get here so here’s the post. Today I responded in some thread on Polish web portal regarding how to audit changes in GPOs and why audit policy changes setting is not doing … Continue reading "Auditing policy changes misunderstanding"
Dell's week of hell?
Way back on August 12, 1981 IBM released the first Personal Computer (PC). It could have been a festive week for Hardware vendors last week. Some claim it wasn't… especially not for Dell, but I'm not so sure how to look at this week. Let me share my views on it.
ADModify .net
After Carlos Magalhaes blogged about the way the DisplayName is automatically formatted in the Active Directory Users and Computers MMC Snap-in (dsa.msc or ADUC as Carlos refers to it) for new users I remembered the time a customer of mine wanted to have the Display names in de Global Address List (GAL) within Microsoft Exchange … Continue reading "ADModify .net"
Windows GINA
So as I was going along promising customers that the Password Portal would be released with MIIS SP2 I was caught like a fish out of water. The Password Portal was pulled from SP2 and the customer was not happy at all.