Windows 7/Vista clients require elevated privileges to install or update a print driver

Reading Time: < 1 minute Our Help Desk support staff was really perplexed.  They were getting hammered by phone calls whenever a print driver was updated and the Windows 7 clients attempted to upgrade the print driver.  Windows XP clients had no problems upgrading, so obviously there was a UAC issue. After doing some research a new setting was discovered … Continue reading "Windows 7/Vista clients require elevated privileges to install or update a print driver"

Restoring a DC from a Snapshot

Reading Time: 5 minutes Sorry about the formatting, I will have to retype at some point… This covers Windows 2008 R2 and all previous Windows o/s's Let me start off by saying, if you are considering using this procedure, it should be your LAST option.  This is by no means is a supported Microsoft procedure and use of it could … Continue reading "Restoring a DC from a Snapshot"