KnowledgeBase: Important Issues in Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 4 (Release Notes)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

At the same time Microsoft released the Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 4 bits to MSDN subscribers, they also released the Release Notes on a page on the Microsoft TechNet.

On this page you can view the critical issues, that have currently been identified, that might require avoidance or workaround to get Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 4 installed and running.

Below is the list with the current important issues for Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview 4 (in alphabetical order):


Local Administrator account

Some functionality is not available if you are logged into the local Administrator account. The Edge browser is one example. To work around this, add a separate user account to the Local Administrators group and use that account instead.


Initial logon

The first time you log on, you might encounter a black screen for more than 60 seconds. There is no workaround at this time. Subsequent logons will occur faster.



If you install Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) and multiple sub-features at the same time, MSMQ multicast messages might not arrive at their destination.

To avoid this, install sub-features of MSMQ separately from the installation of MSMQ.

If this has already occurred, manually start the multicast service. From an elevated command prompt, run net start rmcast. You can check the state of the multicast service by running sc query rmcast.


Nano Server Recovery Console

In builds for locales other than EN-US, you might encounter some characters displayed in the Nano Server Recovery Console as square glyphs. There is no workaround other than to use the EN-US version.



If you install Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview in Server Core mode, you will not be able to install SimpleTCP. If you need SimpleTCP, install Windows Server with the Server with Desktop Experience option.


Start menu

Some shortcuts might not appear in search results on the first or subsequent attempts. To work around this, manually navigate to the location in the Start menu.



If you run a deduplication Windows PowerShell Cmdlet with the -Preempt option while a lower-priority job is already running, the higher-priority job might not start. For example the hourly default background optimization job might prevent a custom deduplication maintenance job from running.

To avoid this, check if any deduplication jobs are already running, stop any that are running, and then start the job that was expected to pre-empt other jobs.


Task Manager

If you install Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview in Server Core mode and attempt to start a new task in Task Manager by using the Browse button on the Create New Task dialog (from the File menu), nothing happens. To work around this, use the command prompt to navigate to the path of the file you want to open, and then copy and paste the path into the Run New Task dialog.

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