As I mentioned last week, I was invited as a speaker for the Microsoft Network 6 event in Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The venue for this event is the Grand Hotel Neum, which is a great hotel with superb conference rooms. Combined with Microsofts great staff and the absolutely delightful weather, speakers and attendees, this made for a really enjoyable experience:
I flew from Amsterdam to Zagreb via Paris with Air France and Croatia Air. Then, from Zagreb, Romeo Mlinar drove to Neum, showing me lots of interesting sites on our way down.
When we arrived, we registered and met up with everyone:
We watched the Network 6 Keynote from the lobby and then got some dinner. I shared a room with Romeo, and we went to the room early to get a good night’s rest.
The next day, I attended several sessions. I attended Thomas Maurer’s session on ‘What’s New in Hyper-V in Windows Server 2016’, John Craddock’s session on ‘What’s New in Identity in Windows Server 2016’, Andy Malone’s session on ‘Forensics and eDiscovery Internals’ and Slavko Kukrika’s session on ‘Windows 10 i Azure AD’. That last session was in Serbian, but I could actually follow the session, due to the English slides ansd Slavko’s excellent presentation skills.
After a day, filled with sessions, it was time for dinner. John, Andy and I joined Martina Grom, Toni Pohl, Sasha Kranjac and Adis Jugo at Restoran Laguna, where we enjoyed large plates filled with meat, fish and shellfish, along with some really nice housewines.
We took a peek at the Network party, but I decided it wasn’t for me, because I was scheduled to present the 9AM session the next day in the cinema room (kino sala):
My 45-minute session on the ‘Ten most common Mistakes with AD FS and Hybrid Identity’ was a lot of fun, and I managed to give some really solid handles to the underlying technologies and actual implementations to the audience. I received some great reviews after the session.
We had to clear the hotel room before 11AM, so this was our top priority after the session, which is a shame, because I couldn’t attend the sessions in the 10AM –10:45AM time slot. Luckily, we met up for pizza at 2PM, so John could fill me in on his opinion on the Azure App Proxy.
After lunch, Romeo and I said ‘Bok!’ to Neum and headed back to Zagreb, but not without enjoying the view of Skradin on our way over.
I love this country!
Further reading
I will be speaking at Microsoft NetWork 6 in Neum, Bosnia and Herzegovina
I will be presenting at WinDays 16 in Porec
I’ll be speaking at Microsoft Hrvatska for IT Pro User Group Zagreb on April 21
Pictures of WinDays XV
I’ll be speaking at WinDays Croatia 15