Category Archives: Active Directory [Old]

Information on the way I look towards the Active Directory and the things we can and can't do with it. In every post you'll find information on why some things are worth your time and others are not.

Windows Vista Group Policy Reference available

The Group Policy Settings Reference for Microsoft Windows Vista is available here (as the SBS diva pointed out). Now we can finally look at the Group Policies that will be available for administrators instead of guessing on the information that was available for Beta 2 and RC 1.


Deploying Windows Vista centrally

Microsoft Windows Vista has been designed from the ground up to be easy to deploy. The guys introduced a couple of new technologies to help you accomplish an organization wide deployment. Along with the technologies that we already had to our disposal, these are bundled in the Microsoft Solution Accelerator for Business Desktop Deployment. (BDD for short)


A look at the Windows Vista Security Guide

Microsoft made version 1.0 of the Microsoft Windows Vista Security Guide available on the same day the product went Release to Manufacturing. The guide provides instructions and recommendations to help strengthen the security of desktop and laptop computers running Microsoft Windows Vista in an Active Directory domain.


Exchange Server 2007 and the Active Directory, Part 3

After preparing your Active Directory you're ready to install Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 to bring the new Microsoft Exchange features to your enterprise environment. There are however a few things you need to take into account when you plan Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Roles in your Active Directory.


Active Directory and eDirectory

It's not easy to look objectively to the differences between Microsoft's Active Directory and Novell's eDirectory. It's even harder to choose between them for your identity and security infrastructure needs, when your customer wants you to look at them objectively, especially when most of the information is sales material. From a sales position it's good to […]

Exchange Server 2007 and the Active Directory, Part 2

Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 is bound to shake up the Active Directory world as we know it. After my first post on the soon to come Exchange Server and the Active Directory I've been playing around for 2 months with it and attended a couple of seminars on the subject. Now we know that there probably won't […]


Don't get stuck with SUS

As some of you might already have read Microsoft will stop delivering updates to SUS servers on wednesday December 6, 2006 This effectively gives it's administrators exactly six days to get their act together for patch tuesday on December 12, 2006.


Deploying printers with Group Policy

In Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Microsoft introduced a feature called Deploying Printers with Group Policy from within the new and improved Print Management Console. I like the new feature, but I’m not using it, because it’s not a 100% solution to the printing problems many organizations face today.


Exchange Server 2007 and the Active Directory, Part 1

I’ve been looking at Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Beta 2 today and the way it interoperates with the Active Directory. It won’t come as a surprise to see that Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 still relies on the Active Directory as its directory service (like Microsoft Exchange 2000 Server and Microsoft Exchange Server 2003) but there […]