Last week, we discussed the new Active Directory Domain Services-related PowerShell Cmdlets in Windows Server 2012 R2. In the requirements I mentioned that you needed at least one system with the Windows Server 2012 R2 or Windows 8.1 version of the Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShell feature installed. However, as Aleksandar Nikolic (PowerShell MVP) … Continue reading "Using the new Active Directory PowerShell Cmdlets on down-level and module-less systems"
Category: Windows XP
Microsoft Windows XP
Security Thoughts: The Inconvenient Truth about CVE-2014-1776 (aka “The Windows XP Mega Vulnerability”)
Looking at the news these last couple of days, you’d think the XPocalypse has begun. A vulnerability has been discovered in Internet Explorer 6 through 11 and code has been made publicly available to attack it. Since, according to several websites, this is a critical vulnerability that was discovered after Microsoft officially ended support for … Continue reading "Security Thoughts: The Inconvenient Truth about CVE-2014-1776 (aka “The Windows XP Mega Vulnerability”)"
Updating Windows XP with all its updates
You may have read my blogpost on the actions admins need to take to continue working with Windows XP in their networking environments. It’s a long list. While many blogs and websites have shared similar information, one action is on everybody’s list: Update Windows XP with the latest updates. So, how easy is it to … Continue reading "Updating Windows XP with all its updates"
First signs of the XPocalypse…
The world, as a lot of people know it, is coming to an end on April 8, 2014: They’ll be cut off from the world, left out in the cold, doomed to live in a world of lawlessness and trapped in wars between good and (don’t be) evil. Note: I’m not talking about the … Continue reading "First signs of the XPocalypse…"
I appeared in ITBende Podcast 249 last Friday
Being involved with Microsoft Netherlands the way I am, has its advantages. Like yesterday, when I appeared in Podcast 249 to talk about the Microsoft rumors of this last week, and, of course, to talk a little about the upcoming Dutch TechDays event. I have been a guest on this podcast two times earlier … Continue reading "I appeared in ITBende Podcast 249 last Friday"
Unsolicited Remote Assistance
With the release of Microsoft Windows XP Microsoft introduced a feature called ‘Remote Assistance’. Microsoft described this feature as the means to invite a person on another Microsoft Windows XP box to your Microsoft Windows XP box. You could use MSN Messenger, Windows Messenger or e-mail to send the invites. Although this is a nice … Continue reading "Unsolicited Remote Assistance"