Category Archives: Exchange Server 2003

KnowledgeBase: "Organization Preparation FAILED" error when you install Exchange Server 2007 or 2010

This week, Microsoft has released KnowledgeBase article 2872882 today, detailing a situation where you’d receive an “Organization Preparation FAILED” error when you try to Prepare the Active Directory for Exchange Server 2007 or Exchange Server 2010.


Pictures of the NGN Tablet Day

Yesterday, the Dutch Networking User Group organized the Tablet Day at the Reehorst in Ede, the Netherlands. Dave and I presented a 45-minute session on device management through ActiveSync. The whole day was packed with sessions from many speakers and it was a great success with good drinks and a dinner afterwards. Some people took […]


Dave and I will be presenting at the NGN Tablet Day

As an IT Professional, dedicated to help people out by sharing the information I research and uncover, I have donated much of my time to help the Dutch Networking User Group (NGN). Now, it’s my great pleasure to announce that on Wednesday April 17, 2013, Dave Stork and I will be presenting a 45-minute session […]


Tip: Zohno’s Z-Hire & Z-Term (freeware)

Many software vendors and organizations have adopted workflow tools to accommodate their needs towards faster delivery of the same quality. At least, getting an OK from a senior executive, is something that can be automated to save time, right? Another angle a lot of organization explore is Delegation of Control. Why wait for a centralized […]


PSTs, why and how to get rid of them

I’ve never made a secret of my continuing loathing of PST files, I just never displayed it on my blog. I always felt it would be too negative, while I always try to to find the positive angle to a story. Today, finally, I have positive news on PSTs! What’s wrong with PSTs then? If […]


Centralized iPad management with profiles and policies

This Wednesday, Dave and I demoed managing iPad devices from an enterprise perspective. In this blogpost, I’ll go over the contents of that session and show you how to achieve centralized management of iPads ((but also including other iOS devices, like iPhones and iPods), without breaking a sweat. First, let me quickly outline the four […]


Active Directory Visibility Modes

While being involved with my company’s Hosted Messaging and Collaboration (HMC) implementation I ran into the Active Directory List Object Access Mode, set through the DS-Heuristics attribute. I decided to give you a little rundown of this mode and the other (default) Active Directory Visibility mode, how they’re different, how to enable (and disable) one […]

Exchange (2003) System Manager for Vista

Remote Management incompatibility is one of the biggest problems with Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Exchange Server 2007 on one side and Windows XP, Windows Server 2003 (R2) and Exchange Server 2003 on the other side.