Category Archives: Windows Server 2008 [Old]

Regarding Microsoft Windows Server 2008, previously known as Windows Server codename "Longhorn"

Windows Server 2008 RC0

Windows Server 2008 Release Candidate 0 was officially announced today and will be available for everyone interested in the bits, through the Community Technology Preview program.


Getting installation files onto Server Core

Server Core installations of Windows Server 2008 require a different mindset when it comes to installing software or drivers. It starts with downloading stuff and getting the installation files onto your Server Core box.


Handling Server Core Events

Windows Server 2008 Server Core doesn't have a graphical event viewer. There is a tool called wevtutil.exe that allows you work your log magic on the console, you can use the Event Viewer on another (graphical) machine to open the event logs of your Server Core box, but you might also opt for a nice event log […]


Add or Remove programs in Server Core

After playing around with Server Core for a while I'm beginning to wonder how to perform certain administrative tasks. Today I found myself wondering about software management after reading a post on the Microsoft TechNet forums and decided to put my thoughts on paper.


Server Core KnowledgeBase articles

Today I saw three Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Server Core articles published to the Microsoft KnowledgeBase in the Help and Support pages. They are basic "How to" articles on stuff I wanted to shed some light on here. Since Yuval Sinay and the Windows Server Core Team already did, I think these topics are well covered


Changing Server Core's Look and Feel, Part 4

After three rather serious posts on changing Server Core I feel it's time to change some settings that are just fun to change. Let's look at the splash screen at boot time and the picture on the logon screen. I'll conclude with a grand tip to show off your Server Core geekness.


Changing Server Core's Look and Feel, Part 3

Yesterday I wrote down information on the missing desk.cpl (the Display Control Panel applet) and how to change most of the settings through the registry. Today I look at configuring input devices. Left handed admins should read this!


Changing Server Core's Look and Feel, Part 2

After playing with the remaining Control Panel applets it's time to look at how Server Core looks on your screen. Despite the absence of desk.cpl we're still going to adjust the settings you can adjust using the Display Properties Control Panel applet.


Changing Server Core's Look and Feel, Part 1

Windows Server 2008 Server Core installs with a couple of default settings. In this post I'll look into the Control Panel applets available in Server Core to change some settings. 


Get Windows Server 2008 now

It is possible to obtain Windows Server 2008 through various public channels, even if you're not a devoted IT Professional or a technology craving geek like me. Some channels are more useful, offer more features or are kept more up-to-date than others. I'll discuss the various channels in this post along with their benefits, requirements and quirks.