More tips for TechEd Europe 2012 and Amsterdam

Reading Time: 2 minutesSo, now we have less than a month until TechEd Europe 2012 kicks off! In April I wrote about some tips for TechEd and Amsterdam. In the meantime some people wrote me with additional request or other helpful tips. I will list them here: Internet One option is Droam, which delivers a Mifi device on which 5 Wi-Fi devices can connect. You’ll have to pay €150 in advance, you get a refund on what you don’t use. As far as

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Update Rollup 3 for Exchange 2010 Service Pack 2

Reading Time: 2 minutesJust today Microsoft released the third rollup for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 2. See the announcement here. They specifically call out the following fixes. KB2689810 Meeting Requests bodies get rendered in plain text in Outlook when created via Exchange Web Services. KB2674445 Need the function to check ACL consistency during moving mailbox. KB2700705 RpcClientAccess crashes with SocketException when UDP push notification is enabled. KB2705425 Memory Leak in UMWorkerProcess.exe. KB2698976 MRM Assistant doesnt process a mailbox with a contact created

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Managing mailbox storage use in Exchange 2010, Part 1

Reading Time: 4 minutesIt's something most organizations encounter at some point: A mail server with no more space left or user's can't get a higher quota due to limited storage resources. Even with a basic policy regarding mailbox quota's, running out of resources is still something that can happen if the server was not sized properly or upgraded to handle changed conditions (larger quota's, more mailboxes etc.). Most straightforward would be upgrading the storage solution, but there are other options that could be

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Book Review: iPhone with Exchange Server 2010 – Business Integration and Deployment by @stevegoodman

Reading Time: 2 minutesRecently Steve Goodman released his “iPhone with Exchange Server 2010 – Business Integration and Deployment” book by Packt Publishing. The first half of the book is a compact description of basic Exchange 2010 knowledge and the  necessary configuration for iOS connectivity (even with Office 365) via Exchange ActiveSync. After that more specifics topics regarding policies, Certificate based Authentication and some specific iOS client device configuration. One chapter addresses the limitations of ActiveSync with some workarounds. Although the focus of the

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