I will be speaking at a WICCA online event next week!

It's been a while, but I will be speaking at a WICCA online event next week. WICCA stands for "Women In Cybersecurity Community Association". Their goal is "to bring infosec ladies and female security enthusiasts together to learn about exploits, hacking, incident response, forensics, the low-level stuff and make bad crypto jokes!"
At their June virtual meetup, I will be doing a presentation about mail flow. Specifically, around SPF, DKIM, DMARC and mail header analysis. An interesting topic if I say so myself 😉. However, it can be quite challenging to get familiar with. I hope I can help with that.
The event is open to all. It will be in English. You can sign up via their MeetUp page.
If the topic isn't interesting for you there is another speaker that evening. They are a quite active community, and you can also support them in several ways. Check their website!