Exchange Server 2007 (almost) EOL!

Reading Time: < 1 minuteJust a quick reminder that Exchange Server 2007 will have no support after April 11th 2017. Although every install will continue without any issue after this date, it is a risk continuing the use of this product. Security fixes won't come available, but also little things like timezone/daylight savings changes aren't updated which could have a high impact in your organisation. You can transition to Exchange Server 2010 but preferably Exchange Server 2013. However, I would suggest migrating to Exchange

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The end is nigh for Exchange 2007: support nearing end and some other reasons to upgrade

Reading Time: 2 minutesThe Exchange Team blog reminded us today that in about a year the extended support for Exchange Server 2007 will end. This means no more updates of any kind, not even security updates. Feature updates already stopped 4 years earlier when Mainstream support ended. The product will continue to run, but how longer it’s being kept in production that will add some risk to your environment due to security issues not being fixed. You can find lifecycles of other Microsoft

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Exchange 2013 CU7, Exchange 2010 SP3 RU8 and Exchange 2007 SP3 RU15 are out!

Reading Time: 2 minutesUpdate 12 december 2014: The fixed Exchange 2010 SP3 RU8 with v2 is now available. Same location as the plagued v1. Update 10 december 2014: Exchange Server 2010 SP3 RU8 has been pulled due to connectivity issues with Outlook. There is currently not ETA on the fix. Customers are advised to not install this RU8 or remove RU8 if they already installed it. The initial Exchange Team blog post has been amended with this new info. As of now no other

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Released: Exchange 2013 CU6, Exchange 2010 SP3 RU7 and Exchange 2007 SP3 RU14

Reading Time: 2 minutesToday Microsoft released the 6th update to Exchange Server 2013, aptly named Cumulative Update 6 (CU6), the seventh update to Exchange Server 2010 SP3; Rollup Update 7 (RU7) and the 14th update to Exchange Server 2007 SP3 named Rollup Update 14 (RU14). They mostly contain smaller security fixes and/or bug fixes or DST (Daylight Saving Time) updates. Having said that, the most eagerly awaited and important fixes in Exchange Server 2013 CU6 include: Hybrid Configuration Wizard fix for Exchange 2013

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Be careful with Outlook customizations! Use AutoDiscover!

Reading Time: 2 minutesDuring a migration from Exchange 2007 to 2013, we moved several mailboxes as pilot users. Coexistence was fully configured and on my test machine everything worked fine. However, the pilot users had trouble connecting with Exchange 2013 after their mailbox was successfully moved to Exchange 2013 servers. OWA and ActiveSync worked without any hitch. The problem was that Outlook would update its server settings, even though (internal) AutoDiscover worked perfectly. Outlook seemed to retain its settings for Exchange 2007, which

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The UC Architects Episode 35: Service Packed! is available now!

Reading Time: 2 minutesA few days ago episode 35 of The UC Architects podcast went live! Service Packed! With Steve Goodman hosting, joined by John Cook, Michael Van Hybrid, Michel de Rooij, Serkan Varoglu, Ståle Hansen and yours truly. Our editor was the legendary Andrew Price. In this episode we talk (a lot) about Exchange Server 2013 Service Pack 1, a quick review of the new features and the detected Transport bug and how we feel about that one. If you have plans

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I will be presenting at the NGN Exchange evening event on 25th November

Reading Time: 2 minutesOn the 25th of November the Dutch usergroup NGN (Netwerk Gebruikersgroep Nederland) will organize an Exchange themed evening event and I'm one of the speakers. I'm extra excited as it will be held at the OGD ICT Diensten head office in Delft, my employer! My session will be about Exchange and mobile devices, focused on ActiveSync but also on Outlook Web App and the OWA App for iPad/iPhone. A very interesting and currently relevant topic, if I say so myself

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My portable lab hardware

Reading Time: 2 minutesRecently somebody asked via Twitter my what the make and model is of my laptop, used for Exchange testing environments. Well, 140 characters is not a lot of space so I decided to blog about it. Our company uses Dell laptops as a laptop standard, but other vendors might have comparable configurations. The main model type is a Precision M4700, but for lab purposes the configuration has been customized: CPU: Intel Core i7-3820QM @ 2,70GHz Memory: 32GB (4x8GB) 1600MHz DDR3

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Exchange and malware protection

Reading Time: 4 minutesThis blog post is something I intended to write for a while now, because it is a question that i get asked a lot. On which Exchange server roles do you need to install the Exchange malware protection software, be it the now no longer for sale Forefront Protection for Exchange or similar products from McAfee, Symantec or GFI and the like. Why is this IMHO a valid question? Well, if we ignore the Microsoft recommendation to install multi-role servers

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New Rollup updates for Exchange 2007 and 2010

Reading Time: < 1 minute*** Update 16/11/2012 *** There is seemingly an serious issue with Exchange 2010 SP2RU5, do not install it! Wait for v2 and/or check the EHLO Exchange team blog regularly Moments ago, Scott Schnoll tweeted the download URLs for new Exchange updates: Update Rollup 8-v3 for Exchange Server 2007 Service Pack 3 (KB2778154) and the KB Article Update Rollup 7-v3 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack 1 (KB2778158) and the KB Article Update Rollup 5 for Exchange Server 2010 Service Pack

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