Windows 8.1 Enterprise upgrade: You can’t keep apps?

Reading Time: 2 minutesI was postponing my work laptop Windows 8 Enterprise upgrade to 8.1, because I assumed I would have to install every app over again. My Windows 8 Pro upgrade to 8.1 on my personal desktop didn’t go as smooth as I had hoped. I had to install every (desktop) application again, as I did not have the option to “Keep Windows settings, personal files, and applications” but only “Keep personal files only (data only)” or “Nothing”. Now, I didn’t update

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Windows 8 Consumer Preview Install Screenshots

Reading Time: 3 minutesI’ve installed some screenshots of the new Windows 8 Consumer Preview. It was installed on VirtualBox with an 32 bit ISO. I forgot to make a screenshot were you configure the install disk, but that’s basically the same as Windows 7. Download your ISO’s here. Also Windows Server 8 Beta also became available here. And now for some screenshots! Fishy! Remember this? And here I forgot the drive configuration screenshot. But it’s basically the same as in Windows 7. First

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"Windows could not finish configuring the system"…. Argh! *update*

Reading Time: 2 minutesSo, yesterday I started deploying Windows 7 on my laptop. But just as I finished posting yesterday, I ran into some problems. Well, big problem actually. I made a capture of my laptop after a clean deployment. I added several programs dear to me, like iTunes, Firefox, some plugins and codecs. Because I was lazy, I had kept my data partition on the harddrive, but it didn't give any problems. I finished configuring just before adding Office and sealed it:

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Deploying Windows 7 with Windows Deployment Services

Reading Time: 2 minutesSo after reading Sanders excellent blogpost "Windows 7 Migration Checklist", I decided to ignore his advice. I'm an early adopter, so i'm just gonna do it and see where that gets me. I already run Windows 7 RC1 on my personal laptop, with great pleasure I might add. My gaming PC had a dual boot ow Vista and W7RC1, but i didn't use W7 that much. Other computers are running XP and are somewhat older. My goal is to have

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Windows Deployment Services: A Real Ghostbuster Part 1

Reading Time: 5 minutesI'm currently working on a relatively large project and it's one of the most complex migrations I have ever been part in. That is one of the reasons this blog has been a bit neglected. At the moment, most of my work on Active Directory and such only has to be fine tuned and that means less stress for me and more time to share my new found knowledge and experiences :). And with this post I will share my

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