Mail enabled Public Folders on Exchange 2013 CU6 require action for internet mail to be received

Reading Time: < 1 minute So, CU6 is out. It’s easy to overlook the change mentioned within the Exchange 2013 Release Notes. And you might have missed the Exchange Team blog post about all Public Folder changes with CU6. And it might not be relevant for your situation. But I know certain customers rely on mail enabled Public Folders that are able to receive internet mail and are now on Exchange 2013. Sometimes it’s not practical to change those Public Folders to a Shared Mailbox.

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Released: Exchange 2013 CU6, Exchange 2010 SP3 RU7 and Exchange 2007 SP3 RU14

Reading Time: 2 minutes Today Microsoft released the 6th update to Exchange Server 2013, aptly named Cumulative Update 6 (CU6), the seventh update to Exchange Server 2010 SP3; Rollup Update 7 (RU7) and the 14th update to Exchange Server 2007 SP3 named Rollup Update 14 (RU14). They mostly contain smaller security fixes and/or bug fixes or DST (Daylight Saving Time) updates. Having said that, the most eagerly awaited and important fixes in Exchange Server 2013 CU6 include: Hybrid Configuration Wizard fix for Exchange 2013

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Fixing Office 365 DirSync account matching issues

Reading Time: 3 minutes Recently I had to fix some issues with DirSync. For some reason (there were some cloud users created before DirSync was enabled) there were duplicate users, because DirSync failed to match the already present cloud user and the corresponding AD (Active Directory) user. There were also accounts that failed to sync and thus failed to sync all attributes properly. If there is already a cloud account and there is need for a synced account, you can create an AD account

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Optimizing the Outlook AutoDiscover process by skipping the root domain query

Reading Time: 3 minutes Updated 8/15/2014: see the bottom of this article for additional information on changed AutoDiscover behavior of Outlook 2013. Consider the following scenario: An Active Directory (AD) domain named equal to the SMTP Suffx, so the mailaddress in the AD domain. No on-premises Exchange, this means that there is no Service Connection Point (SCP) in A. Outlook 2013 (or lower versions from Outlook 2007 up). Exchange Online (or any hosted Exchange for that matter). Additional issue: You’ve got an external

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Managing Mailbox quota’s: databases with different settings?

Reading Time: 3 minutes So, a while back I discussed an on-premises Exchange design for a customer. When discussing database distribution in an Exchange 2013 Database Availability Group (DAG), the topic of mailbox quota’s came along. They insisted on having different Database (DB) level quota’s and move mailboxes to other databases when the user requires more storage space. It’s a tactic I have seen before, especially during Exchange 2003 (Enterprise edition) and Exchange 2007. I can understand why organization adopt this practice, it’s easy

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