Released: Exchange 2013 CU6, Exchange 2010 SP3 RU7 and Exchange 2007 SP3 RU14
Today Microsoft released the 6th update to Exchange Server 2013, aptly named Cumulative Update 6 (CU6), the seventh update to Exchange Server 2010 SP3; Rollup Update 7 (RU7) and the 14th update to Exchange Server 2007 SP3 named Rollup Update 14 (RU14).
They mostly contain smaller security fixes and/or bug fixes or DST (Daylight Saving Time) updates. Having said that, the most eagerly awaited and important fixes in Exchange Server 2013 CU6 include:
- Hybrid Configuration Wizard fix for Exchange 2013 Hybrid deployments. No need to request the Interim Update (IU) 2988229 via support anymore (… and the crowd goes wild!). This issue was in some cases painful as it sometimes blocked or delayed 2013 based Hybrid deployments with Office 365.
- Performance enhancements for Public Folders so that the total limit of Public Folders is now 100.000 instead of 10.000 mentioned here (note, this page will probably be updated with the release of CU6). Although this number was not a hard limit, previously (Public Folder) performance could be impacted if you did pass the maximum amount of supported folders, which some organizations did. See for more information on the subject this Exchange Team blog post.
If the mentioned IU was already installed, you do not have to uninstall it prior to installing CU6. Neither are there other CU’s required to install prior to installing, but certainly Exchange 2013 Hybrid installations have to keep up. For those who have to install a new Exchange 2013 server, you can immediately use CU6 as it is a full installation file as well (so, no need to install RTM, SP1 or any previous CU and then update with CU6).
For a complete list of fixes check the articles:
You can download the 2013 bits here, the 2010 bits here and 2007 here. For those who use the Unified Messaging role in 2013 actively, check out the CU6 2013 Language Packs here. Do remember that you will have to uninstall any previous non US Language Packs before installing CU6. Also, if you have any customizations, please safeguard before updating them as they are almost certain overwritten (think of web.config edits for Lync OWA IM integrations, OWA theme customizations etc.). And obviously reapply them after finishing updating.
As always read the release notes (those from 2013 found here) and test the update(s) in a lab environment before deploying it to production. Meanwhile, keep checking the blogosphere and relevant technical forums for any issues that might pop up. But be sure to confirm found suspicions.
Also, check out fellow Exchange MVP and The UC Architects member Michael ‘van Hybrid’ Maintenance Mode script, it will make the update installation on 2013 a lot easier. Especially if you have a DAG.
Happy updating!
p.s. Some links might not work yet as they are not yet replicated world wide. Try some time later if this is the case.