Quickly exchange contact info via Windows Phone Vision Search

Reading Time: 2 minutes In case people didn’t know it yet: I’m a Windows Phone fan. I wasn't a pioneer and owner from the very start, but I did get the Lumia 800 a few weeks after it was released. And although it didn’t have all my crucial apps from the start, I was amazed by it’s built-in functionality. And for most important apps that quickly improved (for me at least).

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Book Review: iPhone with Exchange Server 2010 – Business Integration and Deployment by @stevegoodman

Reading Time: 2 minutes Recently Steve Goodman released his “iPhone with Exchange Server 2010 – Business Integration and Deployment” book by Packt Publishing. The first half of the book is a compact description of basic Exchange 2010 knowledge and the  necessary configuration for iOS connectivity (even with Office 365) via Exchange ActiveSync. After that more specifics topics regarding policies, Certificate based Authentication and some specific iOS client device configuration. One chapter addresses the limitations of ActiveSync with some workarounds. Although the focus of the

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Exchange 2010 calendar publishing URLs are not updated after migrating to Office 365

Reading Time: < 1 minute With Exchange 2010 Service Pack 1 it became possible to share your calendar with anyone outside of you organization, depending on the Sharing Policy implemented by your Exchange Administrator. Users can then share their calendar via an obfuscated or an relatively public URL without the need for authentication (and SSL for that matter). For more information on how to prepare your environment if you want to enable it, see this blog post. However, if an user has this enabled on

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Transporter Suite issues while migrating from generic IMAP to Exchange 2007

Reading Time: 2 minutes Yesterday we encountered an issue during the last sync from an generic IMAP server to an Exchange Server 2007 SP3 server on Windows Server 2008 R2 (there were reasons not to migrate to Exchange 2010 that are beyond the scope of this post ). We used the Microsoft Transporter Suite. Although the initial big bulk sync was performed without a hitch, after the migration weekend some new mails still had to be synced from the IMAP server (this was not

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Send As permission on Office 365 not with Add-ADPermission

Reading Time: < 1 minute With an On-Premises Exchange 2010 environment an administrator hands out Send-As permission with the Add-ADPermission cmdlet. But I found out that this doesn’t work in Office 365. In this case a P plan (no Dirsync, Federation or such), you can see the result in the screenshot: Funny thing is that if you try Add-MailboxPermission to add Send-As permission, the error message redirect you to Add-ADPermission. For handing out Send-As permissions (and other rights) in Office 365, you’ll have to use

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Do not move RBAC Role Groups out of the Exchange Security Group OU

Reading Time: 2 minutes Exchange 2010 has a massively improved admin permission model. It’s called Role Based Access Control and with it you can use predefined roles or make very customized roles if needed. I won’t go into details how it works, for the purpose of this issue you only need to know that the RBAC roles are assigned via RBAC Role Groups. These are actual Security groups within Active Directory and when assigned a RBAC Role Group within Exchange, the user is a

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Granting Mailbox Full Access via Groups and keeping the Automapping feature in Exchange 2010

Reading Time: 3 minutes Since Exchange 2010 Service Pack 1 a new feature was added for Outlook 2007 and 2010 users, namely Automapping. When a mailbox user has Full Access on another mailbox, it will be automatically mapped in Outlook. No need for the user to go trough menus to find the additional mailbox screen. It’s a small addition but I know that users and your service desk will appreciate this. There is one catch I came across, namely automapping does not work when

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How to confirm a mail has been received in Exchange 2010

Reading Time: 3 minutes Recently I was asked to check whether members of a distribution group were receiving mail sent to the group. In this case the group was a member of another distribution group. First thing is to check if all nested groups are mail-enabled distribution groups. If this is not the case, Exchange will deliver to all recipients except those of this non mail enabled group. So, check all nested groups if it is mail enabled. If you need to seek further

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Handing out only Send-as permissions with Exchange 2010 RBAC

Reading Time: 2 minutes On a project I am currently working on, the management of mail recipients was handed over from the build/migrate team, to the administrators after the mail was migrated from the old mail system to Exchange 2010 We had to restrict the administrators temporarily from other settings, like server and organization settings, even some small restriction on the normal Mail recipient management (setting and adjusting mailbox quota’s). Not to be annoying, but to keep responsibilities clear. When working with Exchange 2010

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Can’t change OWA password at first logon via Threat Management Gateway?

Reading Time: 2 minutes During the first stages of delivering services of our newly built infrastructure to end-users, we came across an annoying issue. Exchange was the first to be accessed, but specifically through Outlook Web App (OWA). As the users where migrated from eDIR and GroupWise, they would get credentials from us. As a security measure we wanted to make a password change at first logon mandatory. I knew there were issues with Exchange 2010, but they were resolved with Service Pack 1.

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