The mysterious Exchange App, the new ActiveSync?

Reading Time: 2 minutesRecently the backend of my Office 365 P1 account was upgraded to the Wave 15 series of products, which obviously includes Exchange 2013. But going through the settings of the Exchange Admin Center, I noticed something that made me curious. When you go to the Exchange Admin Center, click to Recipients>Mailboxes and select a user, you can see in the Mobile Devices section the option to disable the Exchange App below the option to disable Exchange ActiveSync. I’ve highlighted it

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The UC Architects podcast episode 13 is up! With special guest Rick Kingslan (Lync Sr. Technical Writer)

Reading Time: < 1 minuteEpisode 13 is available for download for a while now! It is hosted by Pat Richard and co-hosts were John Cook, Tom Arbuthnot, Justin Morris and I rambled some lines in there myself . Topics include news stories about the Surface Pro, the new improved Exchange/Lync Connectivity Analyzer website, the revoked Exchange 2010SP2 RU5 update and a lot more. As a special guest we had Rick Kingslan, Microsoft Senior Technical Writer for Lync. We asked him some questions like: How

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Quickly exchange contact info via Windows Phone Vision Search

Reading Time: 2 minutesIn case people didn’t know it yet: I’m a Windows Phone fan. I wasn't a pioneer and owner from the very start, but I did get the Lumia 800 a few weeks after it was released. And although it didn’t have all my crucial apps from the start, I was amazed by it’s built-in functionality. And for most important apps that quickly improved (for me at least).

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The UC Architects Episode 11 is out now!

Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe newest UC Architects episode, the eleventh, is now available from iTunes and the Zune store and soon via This episode includes myself, host Pat Richards, co-hosts Michel de Rooij, Johan Veldhuis, Ståle Hansen and specials guests Lync MCM Kevin Peters and Lync MVP Matt Landis. Topics include (but are not limited to): October 2012 Lync Server 2010 update Lync VDI, SBA, SBC Availability of Wave 15 products for MSDN/TechNet and Volume license customers. Microsoft Surface RT Building an Exchange

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Windows Phone 8 in pictures – Samsung ATIV S hands-on

Reading Time: 5 minutesDuring an Windows 8 event (Dutch) organized by the company I work for (OGD ICT Diensten, Dutch) there was also a small exhibit hall. I was responsible for Office 365 and Exchange and even demonstrated the Exchange 2013 Preview, especially the new OWA on an iPad. That’s awesome BTW . But Samsung also had a stand (next to others) and next to the very interesting ATIV tablets, they also had the Windows Phone 8 (WP8) ATIV S! I could even

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What is the ‘Outlook App for Exchange’ in Exchange 2013 Preview?

Reading Time: 3 minutesAfter digging into Exchange 2013 Preview ActiveSync in my previous post, I was making some Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) policies and just playing around. Yeah, I have a bit of a soft spot for ActiveSync Suddenly I noticed something very interesting in the Exchange Admin Center. I’ve made a screenshot: Did you notice it? Maybe a close up? Outlook App for Exchange. Not Outlook Web App. Outlook App for Exchange. It took a while to sink in. During and after writing

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