Installing Exchange 2010 Beta: Quick Preparation

Reading Time: 2 minutesJust a few quick tips for those who want a quick result when preparing and installing for Exchange 2010 Beta. The past few days I've installed this beta too many times not to be wondering how to speed things up. So I wound up with two batch files. No unattend file (yet?) though. I already have recently updated Windows Server 2008 images. But for Exchange 2010 beta you need some more updates and packs. When prepping a server for a

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Exchange 2010 Beta: A First Impression

Reading Time: 4 minutesA few days ago the beta of Exchange Server 2010 has been released. As Exchange has always been of special interest of me, I jumped at the opportunity to install it and check it out. So will 2010 be the year we will make better contact with our own mail? (for those sci-fi geeks out there, this was a reference to a A.C. Clark novel) First of I used my own home computer with virtualization, but 2GB is just not

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Windows Deployment Services: A Real Ghostbuster Part 1

Reading Time: 5 minutesI'm currently working on a relatively large project and it's one of the most complex migrations I have ever been part in. That is one of the reasons this blog has been a bit neglected. At the moment, most of my work on Active Directory and such only has to be fine tuned and that means less stress for me and more time to share my new found knowledge and experiences :). And with this post I will share my

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Exchange 14: Expectations and wishes *update*

Reading Time: 2 minutesSo at Tech-Ed 2008 EMEA IT Pro, I heard very little about the next version of my favorite groupware solution: Exchange 14. Also searching the net, didn't come up with a lot of results. But that is probably because there is still a non-disclosure agreement in place on those who already know more. Grrrrr. On the other side; it does mean I can speculate at will 🙂 *Update 1-dec-2008* Added new item, prefaced with NEW What do I know (some

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Tech-Ed: Review of Day 5

Reading Time: 2 minutesThe last day of Tech-Ed… Ilse van Criekinge started with certificates and Exchange in "UCN315 – Certificates and Exchange 2007: Best Practices and Lessons". Although I already encountered expired self-signed certificates (those things are only valid for a year….), it was very nice to see this confirmed. As Exchange Server 2007 relies more on encrypted communications, it is imperative to know how certificates come in play. Very good start of the day! The second session was "UNC317 – Exchange Server

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Tech-Ed: Review of Day 4 (part2)

Reading Time: < 1 minuteAfter really waking up, I joined "UNC302 Coexistence and Migration with Exchange Online". It was an insightful session: a lot of customers can benefit from this choice. Probably midsize and smaller companies who have to migrate from a non-Microsoft groupware platform, will be interested in Exchange Online. I was pleased, that also the things that didn't work were discussed. Especially co-existence scenarios will have issues (free/busy for instance). During lunch the session I planned to take was already full, but

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Tech-Ed: Review of Day 4 (part1)

Reading Time: < 1 minuteWell, oversleeping is not a good thing. Also checking the starting time of a session is also a good thing to do… So, unfortunately I missed "UNC03-IS Q&A: Exchange Server 2007 Continuous Replication Deep Dive". Nice to know about log shipping, inspection and replay for high availability options. I already skipped "UNC306 High Availability in Exchange 2007 SP1, Part 1: Continuous Replication and Failover Clusters (CCR/SCC deep dive)" for other things, but now I regret that. So in a few

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