Tech-Ed: Review of Day 3

Reading Time: < 1 minuteThe day started good with "UNC05-IS Q&A: Migrating Domino and Groupwise to Exchange 2007". I actually recently had to write a proposition for a Domino 5.0.5 migration to Exchange Server 2007 with Blackberry and with that in mind I attended this session. This was a great interactive session, a lot of stuff that I didn't realise came up. I already knew that the Transporter Suite only migrates from Domino 5.x and cannot realize a long-term co-existence. What I forgot to

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Tech-Ed: Review of Day 2

Reading Time: 2 minutesWell, as OCS didn't really do it for me (yet?), i decided to skip my intended session and joined Sander at "SEC05-IS Cybercrime: The Art of Identity Theft!".  It was as much fun as it was scary and shows how easy identity theft can be. Andy Malone showed some of the websites and tools used, which are mostly available freely. Next on the list was "UNC303 Advanced Troubleshooting Strategies for Exchange Server 2007". A very educational session and very helpful

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Tech-Ed: Review of Day 1

Reading Time: < 1 minuteMmhh, I intended to post more regularly, but there so much other things to do, see and absorb! Day 1 started with keynote of Brad Anderson, General Manager Management and Service Division. System Center stuff and such. During the keynote they showed real nice management tools like System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2008, which even can interact and manage non-windows systems (think VMWare, SuSe etc., even with their logo's). That really put a smile on my face. The technical sessions

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Tech-Ed EMEA Day 1 Preview

Reading Time: < 1 minuteWhat's in store for today? First of al the keynote by Brad Anderson, General Manager Management and Services Division. The first sessions for me wil be: "UNC202 – What's New in Office Communications Server 2007 R2", followed by "UNC201 – What's New in mobility and web access with OCS 2007 R2". OCS is fairly unknown to me. I did see some of the capabilities demonstrated, but never had hand-on experience or implemented it in a production environment. Until now always some

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Enabling Circular Logging (Round, Round you go)

Reading Time: 4 minutesOne of the first settings I look for when examining an unknown Exchange Servers, is whether Circular Logging is enabled. Contrarily to some beliefs, it isn't something you should enable without reason. In my opinion, there are only 3.5 reasons to do this. For those who don't really know what Circular logging is, here a short explanation which hopefully makes the importance more clear. Circular logging is the option for Exchange, tot reuse it's transaction log files. Transaction log files

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Me, Myself and I

Reading Time: < 1 minuteAfter some gently persuasion of a good colleague I've decided to start this blog. I'm Dave Stork, currently 32 years, married with no kids (unless you count the dog). After receiving my masters in biology, i decided to make a career change to IT. Currently I'm 7 years employed by the same company. In those years I have developed myself somewhat as an Microsoft Exchange specialist. What am I going to write about? Probably mostly about my experiences with Microsoft

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