ILM 2007 and virtualization – small but important change

Reading Time: < 1 minuteSmall, but important change was introduced in ILM 2007 FP1 FAQ: Wow … this means that something which already had happened at many customers is now officially supported configuration. Good for customers who are running ILM in VM or are thinking about moving to it with ILM. (cc) BikoBikoBiko FAQ mentions Hyper-V explicitly but as … Continue reading "ILM 2007 and virtualization – small but important change"

Using multiple UPN suffixes for users in single directory

Reading Time: 3 is always a source of all sorts of directory related discussion. In most cases interesting once. I have to admit that I would like to have more time to catch up with and to be more active there (note to self) but with Wojtek @ home (he’s growing) it is getting even harder … Continue reading "Using multiple UPN suffixes for users in single directory"

ILM AD MA, linked attributes and Recycle Bin

Reading Time: 5 minutesWindows 2008 R2 has hit RTM and many of users have already downloaded it from Technet and MSDN to evaluate or even deploy in the network. W2008R2 brings changes in many different aspects of operating system, some are saying that it should not be R2 but brand new OS version. Among other R2 brings changes … Continue reading "ILM AD MA, linked attributes and Recycle Bin"

September – speaking season

Reading Time: 2 minutesThis September – at least for me – is a speaking season. I’m speaking at two conferences. First is TEC 2009 organized by Quest in Berlin. TEC will gather many of well known people as speakers – let me quote Gil here: TEC is comprised to two conferences this year. TEC/Identity and Access features speakers … Continue reading "September – speaking season"

Ex2007SP2 – step towards virtual directory … sort of

Reading Time: 3 minutesThere are number of things in which my current employer managed to succeed. Among greatest success I think  one can count way in which Microsoft managed to scare people with Active Directory schema extension. Probably it has started somewhere down the road with Windows 2000 shipped, some communication, talks … but the fact is … … Continue reading "Ex2007SP2 – step towards virtual directory … sort of"